2,251 not extruding

by saymo606

2,255 Weird sound thunking and motor noise

by nickythegreek

2,256 Solved Y-Axis Movement VERY difficult

by peabody1929

2,259 New Printer problem

by matts

2,262 Extruder motor speed

by harleydk

2,264 Solidoodle working fine

by Stoney

2,265 Fabric around extruder

by sodak92

2,266 X and Y Backlash

by jon_bondy

2,267 Preemtive parts replacement

by asmacdo

2,268 Recommended Lubrication

by aFoote

2,272 Power Supply Blew

by XaroRSA

2,273 nothing works

by jon_bondy

2,278 Temperature Check on Hot End

by cephdon

2,280 Replacing Kapton tape on bed

by HelmutK