Topic: New Printer problem

Hi All,

Emailed this off to the support team but I was hoping someone here might know the answer/seen it before.

I received my printer 2 months or so ago but have just got around to unpacking with Xmas travels etc.

I managed to get to pronterface going. It heated up and everything moved in the right direction manually. On to the first print job.

After printing 2 layers the printer stopped and after pausing pronterface the software said not responding. I rebooted everything and tried several more times same thing but it stalled at differing points. I read on the forums that this might be a firmware issue so I followed the instructions in the how to. I always get the following error once it says upload done and

Binary sketch size: 52374 bytes (of a 63488 byte maximum)
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x00dc
         0x3d != 0x40
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch

Now I can't even connect to the printer. Hopefully you can sort me out and get me moving in the right direction again.



Re: New Printer problem

I'm not going to pretend to understand any of this, but some of it may have been covered already.  If it's not in the link below do a search for flashing or firmware and see if you can find a similar issue.  We're pretty good here about coming back and posting the solution that worked so others can learn. 

http://www.soliforum.com/topic/575/upda … ware-woes/