Topic: Extruder motor speed

Hello there,

all of the sudden, the extruder motor on my Solidoodle v2 began to slooooooow down. I hadn't made any conscious changes to any settings.

Check it out:  youtube . com/watch?v=0FXf0plVifc . At the 4 second mark I do a 5mm extrude, followed by a 30mm reverse.

Is it busted, do you think? Anywhere I can try and up the speed manually? I'm using regular Pronterface.

Thanks in advance,



Re: Extruder motor speed

On the pronterface screen, what are the two readings next to Extrude and Reverse?  First one is length, second one is speed.  If you changed the second one (next to reverse) to 30 thinking it was distance you would have cut your speed way down.  It should be at 300.


Re: Extruder motor speed

In Repetier it can be easy to change the speed by accident using the scroll wheel when you meant to be scrolling the manual control window.


Re: Extruder motor speed

cmetzel wrote:

On the pronterface screen, what are the two readings next to Extrude and Reverse?  First one is length, second one is speed.  If you changed the second one (next to reverse) to 30 thinking it was distance you would have cut your speed way down.  It should be at 300.

Doh!! That was it. So glad you wrote this later in the day, if I were still at work next to the machine I would've banged my head against it... So silly.

Thanks a lot! Can only hope my stupidity may be of help to others in a similar f***** up situation.

'Preciate it.


Re: Extruder motor speed

IanJohnson wrote:

In Repetier it can be easy to change the speed by accident using the scroll wheel when you meant to be scrolling the manual control window.

Thanks, but am using Pronterface. Will install Repetier, though, it's a much better software as far as I can tell.