As I didn't run the stock setup for very long. I didn't design a fan mount for it. I have a fan mount for the extruder mount I designed for the E3D mod.
Since I was not able to the PWM port to work at the time of release for the bowden config, I removed it.
But 50x15mm blower (pointing down) will fit in the space to the right of the stock extruder assembly. The stock fan would have to come out of course then relocated (Another small reason why I went bowden). The space around the stock setup is tight. If you place the stock right side fan in place of the 'viewing window' then it will collide with the press frame if you get it too close.
When I get a chance, I'll measure out the stock extruder assembly and see if I can figure something out.
SD Press - v1 (Pre-order) / RAMPs /w DRV8825's / Cyclops (25w) / Dual Bowden / Mk8 Gear / MK2b PCB Heat bed /w custom replacement Z / PEI Bed
SD2 / E3D v6 / Direct Drive / Mk8 Gear / RAMBo v1.3 / PEI Bed / Anti Z backlash mod / Ikea Expedite enclosure.
Both Driven by Octoprint (devel) via a RPi B+ / Neopixel status alerts / GPIO Controlled SSR / (SD2) 450 Watt PSU for remote power-up/shutdown.