Topic: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

My wife got pregnant the same week my Solidoodle 2 arrived. She has been very concerned about the smell of ABS plastic and is convinced it will harm the child. I am extruding at 190-200 degrees with the bed at 100 degrees. I have added a polycarbonate case which is mostly airtight and a 3" duct with a fan that leads out the window, She still smells it. I have offered to start using PLA as I have been told it is safer, but she's unconvinced. I am also looking into adding a carbon filter.

Can anyone link to any scientific and reliable studies of ABS and/or PLA that assess the toxicity at the temperature levels of a 3D printer?

Anyone have any advice on how to mitigate any toxins that may (or may not) be released when printing?

I really don't want to have to choose between my printer and my unborn child. smile

Any help is appreciated.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Set it up in the garage, ask the ob/gyn for their advice and don't make a pregnant woman angry.  Not necessarily in that order.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

All good advice - especially the last part. We live in an apartment in Brooklyn - no garage, unfortunately.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

By the way, Congrats on the pregnancy!



Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Thanks! and Thanks!

Much appreciated.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy



Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Luckily, I have no plans to combust my plastics - just heat them.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

i would actually caution you to air on the side of caution but there are many thigns that can cause problems. includingart supplies and sharpie markers. They can cause her to spontaniously abort here is a nice article for you

http://www.livestrong.com/article/28135 … pregnancy/

9 (edited by parkster 2012-12-11 06:06:50)

Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Ugh. Funny, but really not helping... smile


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

parkster wrote:

All good advice - especially the last part. We live in an apartment in Brooklyn - no garage, unfortunately.

buy yourself a good air cleaner for your apartment.  You will have cleaner air inside than you could get walking the street.

11 (edited by elmoret 2012-12-11 19:06:45)

Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

parkster wrote:

Ugh. Funny, but really not helping... smile

Put a fan in the duct, which will put the whole Solidoodle into negative pressure. If she says she's smelling it then, she's lying.

Alternatively, you should have a hackerspace around you?


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

I wouldn't take any chances with a child on the way.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Thing is, if she has any issues at all with the pregnancy, even if it has nothing to do with the Solidoodle it will still be blamed. Sorry, best to put it in the closet and wait nine months and maybe if you start with PLA she won't complain, but don't bet on it.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

I think Irish hit the nail on the head there.  No matter what research you find if anything happens,  your solidoodle is going to be to blame.  Best to wait it out.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Maybe you could keep it at a friends house for 9 months...

SD2 with E3D, SD Press, Form 1+
NYLON (taulman): http://www.soliforum.com/topic/466/nylon/


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Pffft kids and wife... the solidoodle is the only family you need.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Brad wrote:

Pffft kids and wife... the solidoodle is the only family you need.

Problem is, after the alimony and child support, you have no money for filament! smile

E3D V6
MK5 V6


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

I am still missing the part about how did your wife get pregnant while you had a SD on hand...

After I got my printer, I didn't see anyone for weeks.

I'll be happy to hold on to your SD2 for the next few months, AND I'll even print and ship any parts you want.  I'll even upgrade it to a glass bed, once I settle in on the method I want to use for quick change mounting.

I'm on Long Island, and if you have wheels, you can come out to my place so you'll know where to find me.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Hate to be devil's advocate here, but how likely is it that she'll be okay with ABS fumes with a newborn in the house?  That's actually a worse situation.  You need to invest in some kind of filtration purification method and remove the fumes from the house.


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

I guess i'll get on to designing the air filter i had planned for my unit maybe it will help you out. I'd planned on using it to recirculete the air in the solidoodle to keep the air in the box heated


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

you alternately might try

http://www.amazon.com/MOSO-MB2578-Moso- … supplies_2


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy


Fume extraction idea


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Fume control cabinet


Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy



Re: ABS/PLA Printing during pregnancy

Yeah just type in fume extractor, there's tons of different ideas already.  I think I'm going to try something myself for this.