Re: Web UI and relay for Davinci printers using a Raspberry pi or windows

OK, I've managed to get this sorted.
I had a few things I had to do to get this to work.
First off, pycryptodome does not work as a replacement for pycrypto.
Therefore, this needs to be built and installed. Into https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/
2.6.1 of pycrypto does not work, so use 2.7a1 instead. This fixes an issue with using the IV flag.
I then had issues with getting the connection to work with the 1.2.0 release of goprintrelay.
Building from source, which is 3 commits ahead, solves this issue.

Install goprintrelay as per instructions
Install golang from here https://golang.org/doc/install
Build a newer version of goprintrelay

go build github.com/rhysbryant/goprinterrelay

Stop the print service
Copy the built file and overwrite the file in /opt/goprint
Start the service again and you should be up and running.

77 (edited by zackvoge 2019-11-19 01:58:21)

Re: Web UI and relay for Davinci printers using a Raspberry pi or windows

can anyone help me with this when i go to change the usb settings  and i write it with ctrl O it says permission denied
could it be because its running in the background???