Re: Alternate belt tensioning method

Actually Jag turned me onto your design, very cool btw. I recently picked up an sd4, I couldn't walk away from the price. Sadly though it seems to be very first gen on the sd4's. I run Lawsy's carriages on my sd3 and I love them, but I really don't want to take the belts off and punch holes into them on the sd4. Another issue is that there's not many upgrades on the sd4 out there since solidoodle went out of business. I'd like to find a way to incorporate your design with the clamps into lawsy's design. I think it would be a very cool design, that would not only help me but others who have an sd4 and have no idea how to upgrade the carriage and fix the tilting issue with them.

SD3/SD4 Mods completed: glass bed, changed zrod to 5mm, slop nut, aluminum arm-originally wood, plexi-glass case, Z Wobble Preventer,  Lawsy Carriages, X\Y motor fans, control board fans, extruder cartridge heater, MK5, Esd Lite
Mods working on:Direct Y Drive
Remember.......All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be....Pink Floyd...Dark Side of the Moon.