1 (edited by GamerDarling 2014-11-11 20:41:11)

Topic: Trying to narrow down the options...

We've decided to start with an extrusion type printer, and now I'm trying to choose between the options I've found for those types.
Background: We're good with computers, and he's good around the house, but neither one of us would consider ourselves to be particularly handy as far as building electronics goes...so it would be a bonus if it was prebuilt, but we also have plenty of techy friends that would be glad to help if we get stuck.
Our budget is definitely the lower end. He should be getting about 600-700 extra on his next check due to ridiculous amounts of overtime, so we're hoping to just use that...but would be willing to pull another couple hundred out of savings if we really "need" to.
We'd like to get the printer to us and completely setup within the next month or so to give us the opportunity to use it to print christmas presents.

I know that the extruders won't be ideal for some of the things like the zelda sword that need finegrained detail, and I'm ok with that. I'll be buying tools to do additional carving and things.
I'm thinking that the following features are the ones that matter, am I missing anything?

Must haves

  • Heated Bed (or upgrade option)

  • Build envelope with all sides >5"

  • Ability to use a variety of filaments(I've really got my eye on that new bronze stuff)

  • Ship time of less than 5 weeks

Nice to haves

  • Dual Extruder

  • Reasonable level of modability

  • Prebuilt

  • No soldering required for assembly

  • Enclosed printing area

Based on that I'm trying to compare the following:

  • Prusa i3v Kit (V-Slot Extrusion)

  • Printrbot Simple Metal

  • Solidoodle 4

  • Solidoodle Workbench Apprentice(dual extrusion)

What do you guys think of those printers? Are there significant differences in maintenance and/or print quality?
I'm leaning towards the Soli4(ease and price) or the workbench(dual extrusion). But if I really think I might want the dual extrusion maybe I should give up the enclosed space idea and go for the prusa, which will ship faster, have a bigger build envelope and allow for more future upgrades? Also, can the prusa have the extruder tip be switched to print with pastes? Is it easier on that machine than the soli4?

Thanks for reading through all of that, and seriously, ANY advice is totally appreciated. This is a pretty big purchase for us, and we're really excited about what having a 3D printer can mean. smile


Re: Trying to narrow down the options...

There is a lot of info in the following topic:

http://www.soliforum.com/topic/7943/loo … d-printer/

There is no easy answer...I bought a SD2 back in the day and I was lucky...aside from some difficulty locating the proper drivers, etc. I was pretty much printing successfully in a day having little prior experience.

I ended up building my own larger printer and learned a ton having gone through that!  I am not very electronics savvy, but the learning experience is great and continues to be exciting.

The SD4 has its share of issues currently (you will see if you search around this forum).  Have not heard much about the Apprentice.  Some other members can weigh in here...

Personally, I think building from a good (complete) stock kit is a great way to get to know every inch of your machine, and a great learning experience...the members here are always willing to help.  I could not have completed my printer without them...but I am also on record as saying that before building a printer, it is a good idea to have one that functions in case you need extra parts and brackets, etc.

Another option is to check the Buy/Sell/Trade area to see if anyone is selling a good, fine-tuned printer they have outgrown...

Like I said; no easy answer...but do some more research and then go with what feels right for you.  Help is always around!

SD2 - Stock - Enclosure - Heated Bed - Glass Plate - Auto Fire Extinguisher
Ord Bot Hadron - RAMPS 1.4 - Bulldog XL - E3D v6 - 10" x 10" PCB Heated Build w/SSR - Glass Plate
Thanks for All of Your Help!


Re: Trying to narrow down the options...

others to look at  Flash forge creator II wood frame pre assembled made in china brand has good rep . $700
Plastic scribbler  http://www.plasticscribbler.com/      $ 499 -569 depending on the model you pick . made in usa pre assembled aluminum and wood frame.

Soliddoodle 4 stock w glass bed------Folger Tech Prusa 2020 upgraded to and titan /aero extruder mirror bed
FT5 with titan/ E3D Aero------MP mini select w glass bed
MP Utimate maker pro-W bondtech extruder
Marlin/Repetier Host/ Slic3r and Cura

4 (edited by GamerDarling 2014-11-12 13:42:58)

Re: Trying to narrow down the options...

Thanks Ironman, the guidance is helpful, and that other thread was a really good one to read through! Sounds like Solidoodle isn't actually known for reliability...which is unfortunate. I'll have to ask around about the scribbler and see, they look like a cool company.

Tin- Thank you! I'm looking into the Scribbler, good feeling about the company so far. Do you know if the flashforge one you mentioned has a heated bed/what the printing surface is? I couldn't see those details on their site.

5 (edited by wire10ga 2014-11-12 18:32:55)

Re: Trying to narrow down the options...

Flashforge does have a heated bed. It's a makerbot replicator 2 clone.  I think it is 9x6x5 bed size

SD2 - Glass Bed, Fans on PCB and Y motor, Custom enclosure
Slicer - Simplify3D


Re: Trying to narrow down the options...

I too was sold on the SD2  and company support but lately seems Solidoodle has dropped the ball big time as others above state and I would have to agree with their suggestions ATM also look at some of the low end Delta type printers to add to your list of possibles. that is pretty much how my current list of contenders looks ATM as the other new UV liquid types and Laser powder types dont offer enough better features to meet their way over priced costs etc. once you find min required features for the price, timely delivery and after purchase support become the biggest hurtle for most manufacturers to attempt to leap over still. as for later support/mods search this forum for names of printer being considered as this community will likely be your only help and if its not posted here that leaves you hanging in the cold. thats why Solidoodle printers still are around long after Solidoodle has abandoned the models. so at least buy a printer you can buy mods/parts for nearly anywhere. also search Thingaverse for mods for brands on your list to narrow choices.

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs


Re: Trying to narrow down the options...

i would personally go for the printrbot simple metal with heated bed  but hold off until the new year when they include the upgrade double drive extruder and all metal ubis hot end on the machines.

there used to be an online shop called matrix precision which sold an aftermarket upgrade kit for the printrbot up to 8x8x10" but they stopped selling those now.

its a solid machine which performs higher than its price point.

not to mention the fact that the drive beween printrbot as a company and its community is fantastic - they release a fair few official upgrade parts and have some cool stuff coming through in beta like paste extruders

SD2 - mirror bed - e3d v6 - extruder cooling fan - no enclosure.