1 (edited by arpuffer 2014-05-16 16:54:58)

Topic: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Hi, everyone,

I know we've got a bunch of threads running where I could post this, but I want everyone to be able to see it.  There was plenty of information floating around regarding how to go through this procedure, but I had to read a little here, a little there, and weed out some erroneous information.  I wanted a simple, concise, non-video guide to the process, so I made this.

Please download it, share it, whatever.  Once you have this process figured out, it's pretty simple--so it deserved a simple guide to get everyone started.

Happy printing, everyone!

Also, I have this up on Scribd, but I'm not allowed to post links sad

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Using Slic3r with the XYZprinting DaVinci 1.pdf 532.61 kb, 411 downloads since 2014-05-16 

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2 (edited by mwm 2014-05-17 23:45:33)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

It's simple enough to script. I've got an OS-X binary that does the conversion automatically (attached), though I've only tested it on 64-bit 10.9. I expect to have a web service that will include a base64 encode option sometime in the next week, so this is still pretty crude.

You need to have your a slic3r config similar to the one from Jason at github.com/jasongao/DaVinci1.0/. Export the gcode from slic3r. Then run xyzify from the command line. It reads the slic3r gcode file from standard input, and writes the result to standard output. It's not base64 encoded, but the mac version of XYZWare doesn't care (which is why no windows binary).  You can then import the resulting gcode file in XYZWare and print from it.

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Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Great guide to using slic3r.  I ran into a small issue when following these instructions which is my printer stopped after it was done over the top of the print, it didnt turn off the extruder or bed and didnt return home.  I would add those commands to the guide so people know to add that as it melted my print where the extruder sat until I came down to check on it.

This is what I added which fixed the issue, which I got from another post previously in one of the other threads:
M103 ; extruder off
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
G28 X0  ; home X axis
G92 E0
M84     ; disable motors

Also I added the needed commands to the start and end g-code in the printer settings so I didnt have to add the commands everytime using Notepad++.  I found that very helpful and a huge time saver.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Thanks guys for all the effort and info. I am on my way to attempt my first slic3r generated print as the part is too complex  for XYZware to generate the toolparths.

Could anyone please also post the starting gcode here that is in the manual so I can copy and paste both the starting gcode and ending gcode into Notepadd++? I don't plan on opening up my Da Vinci to get to the SD card (yet) so I have no access to previously generated gcode from the XYZware to get it myself.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Even simpler method:
Use w34's modified XYZ software to import gcode directly, without having to mess with headers/base64 conversions.

http://voltivo.com/forum/davinci-softwa … g-code#668

Don't forget to hit his thanks button!

if it isn't broken, you haven't modded it enough

6 (edited by Petra 2014-06-11 11:45:41)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Haha! w34's XYZ ware works as easily as advertized! I coudn't get my modified gcode to convert. Notepad++. It kept on freezing. So this is a saving! I thanked w34 on voltivo!

Edit:... except that is does not send the gcode though to the printer...or save as a .3w either.

7 (edited by w34 2014-06-14 06:34:59)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Petra what firmware version are you using (I am running 1.1.G)? Any errors? What happens when you click print and then ok?

I will take a look at not being able to export to .3w. I may have uploaded the version where I already started making changes and was integrating slic3r control panel into the export and print feature of xyzware.

Note: Save option saves current scene to *.stl if files are stl's and 3w if it is gcode. Export runs slic3r to save as *.3w (encrypted gcode) (print will also do the same as export, but will upload the data to the sd card to print)

Edit: if you could, upload the *.gcode which you where trying to print and I can take a look and see if I can replicate the issue.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Hey, W34.  I'm using your modified version on firmware I with no problem.  Drag the Gcode file over into the XYZ window, send to printer, no problem.  When I click save, it saves as a .3w file.  It sends the gcode file to the machine as offlineprint.gcode (or whatever the default name is--the printer's printing right now so I can't look).  In any case, I've had no problem using it at all and I'm extremely grateful.  It's actually made me question whether I want to do the firmware swap or just the filament resetter.

I noticed BTW that XYZware comments out the temperature lines when it slices the part.  It still puts it in the gcode, it just comments the line out.  I'm assuming since XYZ expects the cartridge to completely control the temperature.  In any case, adjusted temperature lines import over with the Slic3r gcode just fine and XYZ leaves them alone.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Glad it is working out for you Ovrclck350. I had the same question as to swap as you did. I did swap over, but found it wasn't for me. The people that worked on hacking the XYZ daVinci did a great job getting everything to work with repetier host/firmware and I look forward to the feature progress and may switch back over in the future.

As of now I do enjoy the simplicity of the XYZ firmware and software, but felt it was lacking in the software department. That was the reason why I decided to make the modifications. I have made several other modifications that I wanted to it and am still currently fine tuning it and may release it at after I get it working the way I want it to. I had my doubts about the machine, but after some fine tuning it has turned out some fantastic prints to rival the higher end printers.

That is correct. XYZWare (when you export from it) does comment out the lines for temperature as it wants the cartridge to handle it. As you noticed gcode does override it, which makes it easier than flashing the cartridge with different temps.

I attached some screenshots of the new modifications. v2.png is with the repetier panel integrated, but I personally have no need for those control options except for maybe preheat extruder and bed (I currently have it disabled since it is working for the most part). The slic3r.jpg is the slic3r configuration integrated into XYZWare which will override the parameters in the current export feature.

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slic3r.jpg 92.56 kb, 9 downloads since 2014-06-14 

v2.png 193.08 kb, 2 downloads since 2014-06-14 

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Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

I haven't seen that XYZware version posted yet!  I want it-LOL.  I mainly wish I could just see the options that XYZware is using (like in your Slic3r pic).

Are people still having problems with the cartridge resetter?   I saw something about with firmware I the SN has to be changed or something.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

w34 wrote:

I attached some screenshots of the new modifications. v2.png is with the repetier panel integrated, but I personally have no need for those control options except for maybe preheat extruder and bed (I currently have it disabled since it is working for the most part). The slic3r.jpg is the slic3r configuration integrated into XYZWare which will override the parameters in the current export feature.

I'm using your first version, and it's working very nicely.
I still have to stop myself from checking if the header is ok, because I'm still used to the oficial one. tongue

Even if you dont use it, could you post the version with all the options enabled? big_smile

if it isn't broken, you haven't modded it enough


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

@Ovrclck350: From what i've read 1.1.l firmware stores filament eeprom serial and usage to printer for comparison. I think I may have had the issue as well to verify that it does and you will have gaps in your print as their protection method. Reason why I have have stuck with G.

@Tryversol: I will upload the next iteration when I finish with it. I will leave the full option in, but have a option to show/hide it in the menu. big_smile

13 (edited by Ovrclck350 2014-06-16 16:49:26)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

W34--I finally did the resetter last night.  I guess I'll downgrade to G then.  I don't know how to edit the Arduino script to change SN.

Also, am I not mistaken that your newer version will let me see the options XYZware is using?  I have 2-3 things that print WAY better with XYZware no matter what I try with Slic3r.  It would be nice to know what setting I'm missing.

It's hard to see, but the one on the right is unusable (Slic3r).  I have some "good" black ones too from XYZware so it's not the filament difference.  Everytime I print them I have to use XYZware.  I've tried 4 different times with Slic3r.



Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Yes, the default values will be whatever settings XYZWare defaults to so you will be able to see what values they use. You will be able to change the values and save as a new profile and then select which one profile you wish to use.

When I get home from work I will take a look at the XYZWare default values and post them up for you for the time being so you can compare the values to your slicer values.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

All I usually do is change the quality to "Excellent" and then the layer height. 

If there was a way to change XYZware to spit out a Gcode, (or .3w and some way to convert it to Gcode), without a printer attached to it, I'd pay for it.  That way I could change the firmware to the newer firmware, but not lose the simplicity of XYZware.

16 (edited by w34 2014-06-16 18:34:28)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

The version I made a few days ago (non debug build) does not have 3w any longer for the export option (save option still works the same). It can import 3w, but when you export, it will only export gcode. I can upload this version later today for you if you would like.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

That would be awesome!  I won't be able to check it out much until tomorrow or the day after, but I'm definately interested in it.

18 (edited by w34 2014-06-17 15:25:04)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Here you go
http://www.mediafire.com/download/rv680 … /XYZv2.zip

Edit: oh forgot to mention. When it is exporting, take a look at the log window underneath the 3d view. It will show you the settings they use with slic3r. smile


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

I just saw that- I gave you a thanks over on Voltivo.



Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Hey there,

I'm a first time poster, semi-long time lurker. I've been using w34's modified XYZ.exe for a few days... thank you very much w34!

It's been very helpful to confirm the basic settings used by the internal version of slic3r. However, it's clear that there is still some "secret sauce" being added that I can't seem to identify based on the "recommended settings" for Slic3r.

Based on the samples I've printed it seems to me that there is something not quite right with the extruder feed. See the attached photo. The two samples on the left were sliced with the standalone Slic3r and imported into XYZware. I printed a lot of samples and no combination of feed rates or temperatures resulted in an acceptable print. All of the samples printed through XYZware at various speeds and layer thicknesses came out from good to very good. BTW, the hexagon in the middle of the post is intentional.

Would it be possible to decompile the "out.exe" file that is spawned to see what Slic3r settings are hard coded?

Thanks for all the hard work  to everyone who has helped make this hobbled machine run a little more freely!

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IMG_20140618_091029.jpg 170.61 kb, 3 downloads since 2014-06-18 

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Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

I agree with propellerhead above.  I'm not sure what else Slic3r is doing since I can't see all the other options.  I was going to message you W34 about it and see if there's a way to see the default settings XYZ is sending to it's slic3r.  I did notice it lists the Slic3r version as 1.2....which is not an official version.

22 (edited by Petra 2014-06-19 06:52:36)

Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Petra what firmware version are you using (I am running 1.1.G)? Any errors? What happens when you click print and then ok?
I will take a look at not being able to export to .3w. I may have uploaded the version where I already started making changes and was integrating slic3r control panel into the export and print feature of xyzware.

Hi w34, My firmware is 1.1.I and the error message "XYZware has stopped working.. windows will notify you when a solution is available."

But it is a "big" complex industrial part I am trying to print. I should know better and rather develop from the bottom up but I'm kind of eager to show the stratasys resellers we can do this without their ridiculous R15 per cc rate that they suddenly came up with, throwing my development of 7 months in the water.

I also saw that there is some support material missing under the duck tale of the part. And I have the Spaceclaim STL prep module that I think would shell the part better. So I'm back on modelling level and I will try your XYZware on a smaller part as well.

But here is the STL and the gcode.. XYZ support US also sent me a generated g-code from the STL part but it had a skirt so even the XYZ support guys couldn't slice the STL with XYZware and used Slic3r or another software to slice this part!

Edit: It looks as if the gcode didn't upload. I guess the 17mb zip is over forum limits. So I can put it in google drive if you want it to test with.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Petra wrote:

Edit: It looks as if the gcode didn't upload. I guess the 17mb zip is over forum limits. So I can put it in google drive if you want it to test with.

Sure, put the part up, and I'll test it this weekend.

if it isn't broken, you haven't modded it enough


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

Petra wrote:

Petra what firmware version are you using (I am running 1.1.G)? Any errors? What happens when you click print and then ok?
I will take a look at not being able to export to .3w. I may have uploaded the version where I already started making changes and was integrating slic3r control panel into the export and print feature of xyzware.

Hi w34, My firmware is 1.1.I and the error message "XYZware has stopped working.. windows will notify you when a solution is available."

But it is a "big" complex industrial part I am trying to print. I should know better and rather develop from the bottom up but I'm kind of eager to show the stratasys resellers we can do this without their ridiculous R15 per cc rate that they suddenly came up with, throwing my development of 7 months in the water.

I also saw that there is some support material missing under the duck tale of the part. And I have the Spaceclaim STL prep module that I think would shell the part better. So I'm back on modelling level and I will try your XYZware on a smaller part as well.

But here is the STL and the gcode.. XYZ support US also sent me a generated g-code from the STL part but it had a skirt so even the XYZ support guys couldn't slice the STL with XYZware and used Slic3r or another software to slice this part!

Edit: It looks as if the gcode didn't upload. I guess the 17mb zip is over forum limits. So I can put it in google drive if you want it to test with.

I haven't printed gcode larger than 10mb's, so I haven't run into that issue yet. So I haven't had the need to look at XYZWare's upload procedure yet. Upload it, that way we can take a look and we can see what can be done to optimize/fix/change xyzware's upload procedures for large files.


Re: Simple guide to getting Slic3r to work with the DaVinci

I gave up on XYZ ware and moved on to Repetier. However, I was able to fine tune some of the settings and get some results comparable to XYZ native slic3r based on what I found here: voltivo-dot-com/forum/davinci-software/6-ways-to-print-with-3rd-party-slicer

Thank you for the hard work w34.