1 (edited by gringo 2013-12-05 04:31:45)

Topic: #58 Hit the wall. I'm hanging it up...

and I'm really glad I did...

Tim's built an incredible little extruder here.  I orignally built mine to run horizontal - and it did - but kinky filament still haunted me from time to time.  little Z shaped oscillations that came and went now and then.  So I decided it was time to hang it up.

I drilled two holes underneath the motor and gearbox assembly, and made a webbing loop to go through that.

I crudely removed my hopper - and just wedged a cut down funnel in the breech - (this will be replaced with printed parts).  i secured the funnel at an angle with some safety wire.

...and then I noticed my angle was a little shallow for a consistent feed - so I used the cheap clamps to ramp the assembly at a better angle for pellet feed.

Gave it a warm up - turned it on, and let it run for a few hours.  When I came back, what amazed me was the smooth filament.  Good diameter control, and only a few kinks at the beginning.  Once filament hit the floor and began to loop naturally - the big gentle loops just laid themselves out beautifully.  I never touched it - this is how it lays out filament.

I've needed a bigger workspace (you can see the garage is a bit challenged - sorry about that) - and I love the fact this takes the filastruder off the bench and puts it somewhere out of the way where it can whir away for hours.

Bottom line - if you've ever thought about hanging it up - do it.  Tim, again - great job.

If you want to see what it looks like - http://imgur.com/a/gzCFg (trying to sneak a link - sorry for the phone photos)


Re: #58 Hit the wall. I'm hanging it up...

That's great to hear. I am thinking about hanging up my 'struders. I think you just pushed me over the edge. Laird had a great design for an angled hopper that I was wanting to try.

I re-posted your images for ya here.


SD3 w/ mods:
Glass bed with QU-BD heat pad upgrade, threadless ballscrew w/ 8mm smooth rod, spectra line belt replacement, lawsy MK5 extruder, Lawsy replacement carriage, E3D hotend, Ramps 1.4 w/ reprap discount controller, DRV8825 drivers, 12v 30A PS, Acrylic case, Overkill Y-idlers, Filament alarm, Extruder fan + more.


Re: #58 Hit the wall. I'm hanging it up...

The title had me worried that a frustrated user was calling it quits. Glad to see people moddin' and makin'!


Re: #58 Hit the wall. I'm hanging it up...

does anybody know how much this effects the filament diameter vs horizontal? or does it?

SD2 with E3D, SD Press, Form 1+
NYLON (taulman): http://www.soliforum.com/topic/466/nylon/


Re: #58 Hit the wall. I'm hanging it up...

with abs its not much of a difference and a slight temp drop will correct the diameter (about .2c for me on 3mm) PLA on the other hand will stretch massively under its own weight. Not sure if anyone is extruding pla hanging without a winder or custom cooling setup with any degree of diameter stability.