Re: some questions

Measure the filament at several point with a caliper and enter the average.  I've never seen filament that was actually 1.75.


Re: some questions

Kamatari wrote:

Under the dimensions tab there is filament diameter (just noticed it) which this was not in the older version? default looks like its set to 2.8 but should i be changing this to 1.75?


Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: some questions

ive been going along and my filament is between 1.74 and 1.76 at the moment


Re: some questions

Heres another question, on my prints it seems to extrude a bit too much on the solid layers so the extruder ends up draging through the plastic, on the other layers its all fine and then when it gets to the end it does a similar thing, although this seems to mainly effect small prints