26 (edited by ToolUser 2016-01-14 03:43:19)

Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

I bought this kit in November last year and still trying to get it to work. Had dodgy RAMPS board and defective thermistor on extruder. Managed to break one of the main printed junctions at the bottom while putting the frame together that's when I discovered all parts are made from PLA (what would it have cost them to make it in ABS, a few cents more?) was able to glue it back together with epoxy but one day might reprint the whole thing myself in ABS. Fan housing was missing from the kit. Could not find website that showed assembly instructions, mostly I just used pictures from their ebay shop. Asked Sintron about instructions for the fitting of the Z probe (so what do you do with 2 safety pins?) and they replied that the instructions were on page 72. Page 72 of what? They could not tell me and used the old "me no speak English" trick. For wiring the RAMPS they referred me to a website with diagram that was for totally different board. I downloaded the firmware and installed after many difficulties, one being that it instructs the user to replace the config.h file and config.adv with another version from a directory that downloads with it. NO! Sintron says not to do this, so why could they not just delete this information and save days of wasted time while following erroneous information?

So now I have semi functional printer, extruder and hot bed work, motors work, end stops have power but no functionality. Dived into the firmware again and on close inspection found command lines incomplete regarding max end stop inverting. So now end stops will stop motors but!!!!

I have a notion that all axis should rise, hit end stops to set the height above the bed, maybe wrong about this, as there are no instructions for the setup its hard to tell. Anyway only the Z axis works on the end stop and shut off other axis so I can't home the printer; anyone out there knows where I can find information on the homing and calibration of this printer?
  Think I just answered my own question, check out the following website.
http://www.think3dprint3d.com/3D-Printer-Kits/ go to Kossel Mini and then Documentation tab. Very detailed description of Z probe setup and calibration of Delta printer, not specifically for the Sintron but close enough. Also used this site to put the thing together plenty of good images and useful information.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

I actually have the pdf file for the assembly instructions, but it requires a password and I cant remember what that is at the moment...

most of their instructions were plagiarized from Blomker Industries - perhaps finding a copy of those instructions may help?

otherwise, will try to find the password later tonight.

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Wow sounds like this is a bit of a nightmare to assemble! But i like how some of the parts are 3D printed

3Dex - Suppliers of the best filament.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

3Dex wrote:

Wow sounds like this is a bit of a nightmare to assemble! But i like how some of the parts are 3D printed

the Sintron kit IS a nightmare of a kit and they were a nightmare to deal with, and I cant stress that enough.

if you want a decent kit for the money (and larger, too) go for the FolgerTech kossel. it is larger, and in general a better kit.

a comparison pic - Folgertech on the left (completed & operational) and Sintron on the right (frame only with reprinted plastics)


SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Yes the Kossel looks far better construction than the Stintron. Ive always wanted a delta printer

3Dex - Suppliers of the best filament.

31 (edited by zakattacks 2016-01-14 15:14:51)

Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

I finally got my printer running! After about 3 weeks and at least 20 hours of work, I got my sintron kit to run the way it's supposed to:

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to get it running with just stock parts. Here is what you need:
- washer/spacers for the wheels so the sliders don't rub
- a newer version of marlin. Use the config from the sintron firmware to fill out a new one. I used https://github.com/RichCattell/Marlin  Which is built specifically for deltas
- Either a working auto level probe, or different bed mounts that allow you to adjust it manually. The stock version of marlin always crashed into the bed or would not work in some other way.
-turn down "duty cycle" for the bed in the firmware, otherwise the polyfuse overheats. Even with the 30amp power supply I am using.
- the switch to change from 220 to 110v is inside the power supply. It took me a while to figure out why the voltage was at 9v, but then I found the switch.
- READ AT LEAST MOST of the reprap.org forum topic on the sintron kossel. It is extremely useful.

I also made these mods:
- (fake) e3d Volcano for $8
- e3d v6 clone heatsink and throat (so I can print polycarbonate), still in the mail
- fan mount that also blows on print. Greatly increases the quality of PLA parts. Mine doesn't fit (see pictures) because the spacing isn't right on the heatsink/throat
- replaced the z probe Allen key with an inductive sensor from aliexpress for $2
- geared extruder. The stock direct drive would kink ABS filament and stop constantly while I was using the stock e3d v5, and it didn't run the volcano at all. Http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1185662
- Ramps & LCD case (yet to be printed at the time of the writing of this article)
- In the video above, I am printing a new spool holder.

I am using Repetierhost Host with Slic3r. I can share config files if needed. Feel free to ask any questions!


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Congratulations and kudos for your perseverance! where there is a will, there is usually a way.

for the bed, eh, I went with a fixed bed on the FT and dialed in the effector - might be a bit more tedious in the beginning, but quite nice once done. no more messing around with it once it is dialed in right.

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1

33 (edited by ToolUser 2016-01-20 04:43:02)

Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Does anybody know why I can't get the pullups to function on the Sintron Delta Printer?  The endstops are showing "open" when I do the M119 in Pronterface but when I hold them shut or position the carriages to close them M119 still shows them as "open" when they should be TRIGGERED.  The Carriages want to crash through the top frame so I know the direction is good but endstops just don't do their thing. I have used as many different variations of the Marlin firmware as I can find but nothing works so I am wondering if it's a hardware issue?  I am using the bog standard Sintron Arduino board with RAMPS 1.4, I get 5 volts on the pins, and I get Ohms on the endstop wires, also the red LEDs operate when the switches are pressed to trigger.
Any good advise out there?
Thanks all


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

You have to set them to inverting or not.. Sp what ever they are set for no they need to be the opposite.

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Is this max or Min? Do Delta printers have Min endstops?


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Deltas have physical stops that are min and softstops stored the firmware that are max.. I have a Foldgers Tech Delta know that I have since put a different controller on running smoothieware but still configures the same.. Copy and paste your configuration.H tab in your firmware here and we can look at it and help you get it right..

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.

37 (edited by zakattacks 2016-01-20 23:39:54)

Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Mine uses max (see picture)


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

zakattacks wrote:

Mine uses max (see picture)

It really does not matter as long as home sends it in the same direction as those endstops. So first when you send a home command you need to make sure it moves up. That can be done G28 or buttons on software. If it moves in the wrong direction then you need to set homing direction in the firmware to 1 if -1 or -1 if 1. If it is not moving then it thinks the home switches are active which means you need to invert their logic. They will still physically function the same but the input to the board will be seen different. All this is done in the firmware of course on configuration.h...

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Thanks for the help so far with the endstops and pullups, still can't get anything to work. In Pronterface I run M119 and shows endstops are open except ZMIN as triggered although its not connected. If I hold one endstop closed and run M119 again it still shows xyz endstops as open when one should be triggered. If I do 'home all axis' they don't stop at the endstops and have to hit the big switch to stop. I have voltage to pins, red LEDs come on when closed but they don't operate the pullups I am thinking?
Below is the bog standard config.h from Sintron who assure their firmware has no problems and is ready to go! can anyone see any obvious errors with this?  Thanks to all.

//=============================Mechanical Settings===========================

// Uncomment the following line to enable CoreXY kinematics
// #define COREXY

// coarse Endstop Settings
#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors

  // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined


// The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal and ground pins.
const bool X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
const bool Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
const bool X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
const bool Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
const bool Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = true; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.

// Disable max endstops for compatibility with endstop checking routine
#if defined(COREXY) && !defined(DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS)

// For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1
#define X_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
#define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders

// Disables axis when it's not being used.
#define DISABLE_X false
#define DISABLE_Y false
#define DISABLE_Z false
#define DISABLE_E false // For all extruders

#define INVERT_X_DIR false    // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true
#define INVERT_Y_DIR false    // for Mendel set to true, for Orca set to false
#define INVERT_Z_DIR false    // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true
#define INVERT_E0_DIR false   // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false
#define INVERT_E1_DIR false   // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false
#define INVERT_E2_DIR false   // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false

// Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN
#define X_HOME_DIR 1
#define Y_HOME_DIR 1
#define Z_HOME_DIR 1

#define min_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS.
#define max_software_endstops true  // If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below.

// Travel limits after homing
#define Z_MIN_POS 0



Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

carl_m1968 wrote:
zakattacks wrote:

Mine uses max (see picture)

It really does not matter as long as home sends it in the same direction as those endstops. So first when you send a home command you need to make sure it moves up. That can be done G28 or buttons on software. If it moves in the wrong direction then you need to set homing direction in the firmware to 1 if -1 or -1 if 1. If it is not moving then it thinks the home switches are active which means you need to invert their logic. They will still physically function the same but the input to the board will be seen different. All this is done in the firmware of course on configuration.h...

Take and post a pic of how the endstop wires are connected at the switch and at the board and also the Z probe.

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

I upgraded to an inductive sensor which acts exactly like the z probe (as long as you buy the version with the orange cap), but it doesn't touch the bed. I highly recommend it as a $2 fix to the crappy probe provided.
Here is what I could get (I don't have access to the printer at this moment):


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Well I would like to see your wiring and connections. If these are not your printer images they will do no good in this situation.

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

zakattacks wrote:

I upgraded to an inductive sensor which acts exactly like the z probe (as long as you buy the version with the orange cap), but it doesn't touch the bed. I highly recommend it as a $2 fix to the crappy probe provided.
Here is what I could get (I don't have access to the printer at this moment):

So where do the Z probe wires connect?


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

ToolUser wrote:
zakattacks wrote:

I upgraded to an inductive sensor which acts exactly like the z probe (as long as you buy the version with the orange cap), but it doesn't touch the bed. I highly recommend it as a $2 fix to the crappy probe provided.
Here is what I could get (I don't have access to the printer at this moment):

So where do the Z probe wires connect?

It is usually the Z min endstop port. One of the three unused ports in that image..

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.

45 (edited by carl_m1968 2016-02-02 05:50:03)

Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

zakattacks wrote:

I upgraded to an inductive sensor which acts exactly like the z probe (as long as you buy the version with the orange cap), but it doesn't touch the bed. I highly recommend it as a $2 fix to the crappy probe provided.
Here is what I could get (I don't have access to the printer at this moment):

I have the FT Mini Kossel which uses a RAMPS and The same endstops.. Mine where connected to MAX ports, not the min ports as you currently have it.

In a delta it is backwards in logic from a regular box or Cartesian printer. It homes at MAX and then moves down to ZERO to start a print.. That is why the Z probe is connected to Z min as you would want it to trigger at the bottom on the print bed.

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Anyone tell me why the Sintron Delta thinks that Z0, Y0 and X0 is out side of the hotbed and not in the middle?? Every time I try to print a job it goes outside of the hotbed to start. Any clues??


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

ToolUser wrote:

Anyone tell me why the Sintron Delta thinks that Z0, Y0 and X0 is out side of the hotbed and not in the middle?? Every time I try to print a job it goes outside of the hotbed to start. Any clues??

Your slicer is configured for a square printer maybe?

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.

48 (edited by ToolUser 2016-02-09 07:48:14)

Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Nope! all good in Pronterface.............. However,  I discover that if I press the home all axes icon in the center of Pronterface the extruder head swings to the outside of the hotbed hallway between Y and Z towers, which is what it does to start a print. Is there some code or something that I am missing to set the home position? I thought the home position was set up when creating the buttons in Pronterface, am I wrong about this?


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

something is not set right - either in the host and/or the firmware.

I dont use pronterface, so have no idea how that is set up.

for the firmware, maybe try downloading FolgerTech's Rev B kossel firmware, enter your dimensions and try it - bearing in mind that the FT kossel is a fair bit larger than the Sintron.

SD4 #1 & #2 - Lawsy carriages, E3D v6, Rumba controller board, mirror bed plate, X motor fan, upgraded PSU & Mica bed heater
SD4 #3 - in the works ~ Folgertech FT-5, rev 1
Printit Industries Beta Tester - Horizon H1


Re: Sintron Delta Build - Buyer Beware!

Finally got the endstops to work, the towers are XYZ counting from the front left and  going anti-clock around the base. Then the motors are in logical connection sequence of XYZ as per the pin connectors on the RAMPS 1.4 BUT the endstops connect in sequence of XZY onto their pins, the yellow wire is on the signal (S) line, the black is on the common line and red is on the bottom + line (Sintron told me early on that I only need to connect 2 wires as the yellow was not required! ).

Now the problem is calibration, have set the Z height in Marlin, set up the XYZ and Home buttons in Pronterface, all good so far. Changed the build dimensions and offsets in Pronterface so now I can see my print job right in the middle of the hot bed graphic in Pronterface so assumed all would be go. No.

Bed and Extruder hotend warmup well, hit the print tab and the hotend shoots out the side of the bed as far as it can go then tries to crash through the hot bed. Not good!

I have tried every offset, distance, height in Marlin and Pronterface and still get the same result. Is there an EEPROM somewhere to change or is something else going on here? All good advise appreciated.