1 (edited by Downeasta 2014-07-16 07:02:17)

Topic: Meet Dave of Sculptify!

Have you seen this yet?  It will be on kickstarter in August.  No more need for filament!
http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/07/1 … er-launch/

Sculptify can be found at their website and on Facebook.

I am an open book, write on my pages that I may learn the wisdom that you posses.


Re: Meet Dave of Sculptify!

Interesting printer.  I watched the videos on their site and I must say, it's pretty nifty.  It also validates my concept of using ball screws for the X/Y motion.

There are a couple of things to consider though.

The printbed doesn't appear to be heated, so I'm not sure how that will work for ABS and other plastics like it that want a heated bed.

There's no mention on whether or not you can add coloring dies to the hopper to color the plastic.  As is, you only have choices for black, white, gray and natural.  If I were them, that would be the first thing I would offer as an option, not a grinder. 

I would think that you could use any blender/food processor to grind the waste plastic into something the printer can reuse, so I don't see any sense in spending money on a dedicated grinding machine.

I didn't see any mention of cost.  Any ideas?

To print or, 3D print, that is the question...
SD3 printer w/too many mods,  Printrbot Simple Maker Ed.,  FormLabs Form 1+
AnyCubic Photon, Shining 3D EinScan-S & Atlas 3D scanners...
...and too much time on my hands.


Re: Meet Dave of Sculptify!

I don't yet believe it...the videos show loading and then printing...but I can't help but think of the difficulty of controlling the amount extruded vs. the amount printed; unless there is virtually NO filament created and they are using the extruder screw as the hot end somehow...

SD2 - Stock - Enclosure - Heated Bed - Glass Plate - Auto Fire Extinguisher
Ord Bot Hadron - RAMPS 1.4 - Bulldog XL - E3D v6 - 10" x 10" PCB Heated Build w/SSR - Glass Plate
Thanks for All of Your Help!


Re: Meet Dave of Sculptify!

Already being discussed here:

http://www.soliforum.com/topic/6821/the … lastruder/

Among other questions, the one that sticks out is the fact that none of their parts have complex geometries or retractions.

As for cost, I'd bet $2k+. These guys aren't cobbling it together in their garage out of laser cut wood.


Re: Meet Dave of Sculptify!

How do you change materials? Use up the last before switching to different type/color?

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