Topic: Silver Filament Issues

Got some new silver filament in the mail today, but it is printing nowhere near the same quality level as the white abs that shipped with the SD.

First attempt, the perimeter is really blobby, was printed at 200 deg

Dropped the temp by 10 down to 190, for the gear on the right:


It is somewhat better, but still quite rough. Is this just caused by printing too hot, or is the filament extrusion rate too fast as well? What would be really great is a guide (perhaps there is one and I don't know where it is). That has some pictures of common issues and what causes them.

Thanks for any help

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Silver Filament Issues

Got a much improved print by lowering the temperate down to 185 and lowering the Extrusion Multiplier a little.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Silver Filament Issues

Ive noticed different colors make for different prints. my black can be troublesome at high temps, also my clear is a real nightmare compared to my solid colors.

All just needs tweaking, Id suggest writing down your results for each color or type of filament so you have a reference should you run into problems down the line.


Re: Silver Filament Issues

I think Macmub is right. I am also using clear filament and temps are much different than pigmented ones...
If I set the extruder to 200c, the extrusion bubbles like crazy and it looks like the way it does in your pics.

I think in your case, the silver is actually silver colored particles(stuff?) mixed in with clear ABS and not pigmented ABS?... if that makes any sense...

And if that is the case, then the humidity and environment has a lot to do with how you should set the temperatures. I live in FL with pretty high humidity so I have to set my temps way low for my clear filament. Ive been printing .1mm at 175c and it's been working pretty well. You can almost see clearly through the prints as if it was injection molded.

You should definitely do as macmub suggested and write down and keep a record of all your settings. I think a good start is to watch the extruder as the temp rises and see what temp the filament becomes molten and ooses/bubbles out of the extruder (without you manually extruding.) Then try to stay close to that temperature range. Then just dial everything in from there. Took me a week but it's pretty sweet when things start to work.