Topic: Free Filament

I have about 3.5 lbs of filament I made in various lengths while testing my filastruder. I make no guarantee of the quality of the the filament - some of it may be the wrong size or have bits of contamination, but I thought I'd offer it if anyone was interested.

A medium flatrate box is $12 shipped anywhere in the US. Let me know!


Re: Free Filament

I'm game... the other filament you shipped out worked well.  I'd be proud to run this through the machine.

Sending this via email too..



Re: Free Filament



Re: Free Filament

Can I try some? I don't get paid until friday but I would definitley like to try this!

I edit my posts a lot.


Re: Free Filament

frozensoda wrote:

Can I try some? I don't get paid until friday but I would definitley like to try this!

PM me, I can send you some from the filastruder, it won't be 3.5lbs though.


Re: Free Filament

elmoret wrote:


I guess I shouldn't have thrown away all my scrap filament off the filastruder.

SD2 with E3D, SD Press, Form 1+
NYLON (taulman): http://www.soliforum.com/topic/466/nylon/


Re: Free Filament

i'm still waiting for when he has a new extruder available


Re: Free Filament

elmoret wrote:


What is filastruder? People can make their own filament with this?


Re: Free Filament

Yep... Tim setup a kickstarter based on this thread

http://www.soliforum.com/topic/557/fila … -filament/

Now he's finishing off the KS rewards and is taking pre-orders for the production kits.

Filament costs upwards of $30-40 a kilo; ABS pellets can be had for ~$10 a kilo in 1-5kilo increments.  Substantial savings there.  If you order larger, it can get cheaper...

Masterbatch colors can help you achieve a variety of colors and is relatively inexpensive.

But understand, production is not fast.  On the order of 10 in/min, but still, the quality output has been good and I'm sure with the new melt filter it can get even better. 

The 2nd string stuff I got from Tim was as good as anything you'd get from retail, so I imagine that the 1st out stuff was even better.  My filastruder has done some good output, enough so that I don't worry about paying for retail filament again.


Re: Free Filament

Output is around 18in/min now, but everything else cckens said is spot on.

That said, it requires a degree of tinkering. Based on your struggles with the SD, it might not be for you, Rocketman.