Topic: Filastruder Turning off and On

Hi everyone,
I am using and Filastruder and Filawinder set up to make some filament. After heating and extruding some filament I noticed that the Filastruder was turning itself off and then back on and then off again. 

Some things I've observed which might help troubleshoot the issue:

  • Checked for a clogged nozzle/ barrel (the filament flows nicely when it is on so no clog suspected)

  • Watched the LED's while it was turning on and off, they only light up blue so current limiting is not an effect

  • Temp for extruding is 215 deg C

  • The Filastruder and Filawinder are not plugged into the same socket so I doubt too much power is being drawn at once

  • The screen on the board which shows current draw reads up to ~4.5A and then cuts off


Re: Filastruder Turning off and On

Pulsing on and off means overcurrent protection on the power supply is kicking in.  Doublecheck all your wiring and make sure there are no shorts anywhere.


Re: Filastruder Turning off and On

4.5A is way, way too much. Something is jamming your auger in the barrel but more importantly, you have not set up the stall protection board correctly as detailed in the instructions.

I suspect you have bent your barrel, you also may have damaged the gearbox. The stall protection board must be set up correctly.


Re: Filastruder Turning off and On

elmoret wrote:

I suspect you have bent your barrel, you also may have damaged the gearbox. The stall protection board must be set up correctly.

I don't see any damage to the barrel or gearbox which I hope is a good sign. I've gone and done the stall protection board set up myself in hopes that it will fix the problem.

I assume if 4.5A is way too much as elmoret said then my material probably isn't heated high enough. I'm still playing around with the temperatures and properties.