Topic: Poor Print Quality
Hi All,
I have an XYZ Da Vinci 1.0A with Repetier 0.93 Firmware and I just completed the Bowden E3d Mod from here:
My issue is probably a more general 3D printing/settings question but I figured I'd ask here to start.
When printing a calibration cube with my new setup, the surface is extremely rough. Especially the corners of the cube (Image attached)
Things I've tried:
Auto Tune PID
Extruder Step Calibration - Measure 100mm of filament and then Fed 100mm in Repetier host. This showed that the current step value is correct.
Manually leveled the bed twice
From what I've read, it looks like over-extrusion. Especially since I can sometimes see the nozzle scraping/nudging the previous layer. However, this doesn't make much sense since the calibration shows that my E-Steps are correct.
As I test, I printed several cubes at different flow rates. I went all the way down to 70% but didn't really see any difference in quality.
Printing with Black Hatchbox ABS @~220 C with 25% infill, 0.2mm layer height, and 60mm/s print speed
Repetier Cura settings are attached for both the Filament Settings and the Print Settings
Thank you
name = filamentsettings
diameter = 1.75
multiplierPercent = 100
printingTemperature = 235
enableCooling = True
bedTemperature = 90
fanSpeedMin = 50
fanSpeedMax = 100
minimalLayerTime = 5
name = printsettings
defaultQuality = PP7I9iP7BN7snD9pEvVKLKWZRjHqKj60
travelSpeedMin = 150
travelSpeedMax = 150
firstLayerSpeedMin = 30
firstLayerSpeedMax = 30
infillSpeedMin = 60
infillSpeedMax = 100
skinSpeedMin = 40
skinSpeedMax = 60
infillType = 0
innerPerimeterMin = 60
innerPerimeterMax = 80
outerPerimeterMin = 40
outerPerimeterMax = 60
printSpeedMin = 40
printSpeedMax = 100
nozzleDiameter = 0
gcodeFlavour = 0
retractionCombing = True
combing = 1
multiVolumeOverlap = 0
cutOffObjectBottom = 0
shellThickness = 1
infillTopBottomThickness = 1
infillDensityPercent = 20
supportType = 1
platformAdhesion = 0
dualExtrusion = 0
wipeAndPrimeTower = True
oozeShield = False
enableRetraction = True
retractionSpeed = 60
retractionDistance = 3
multiExtruderSwitchAmount = 16
startGCode = """
; Default start code
G28 ; Home extruder
M107 ; Turn off fan
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
; Activate all used extruder
{IF_EXT0}M104 T0 S{TEMP0}
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature
{IF_EXT0}M109 T0 S{TEMP0}
endGCode = """
; Default end code
;G1 X0 Y0 Z130 ; Get extruder out of way. Uncomment to use!
M107 ; Turn off fan
; Disable all extruder
G91 ; Relative positioning
{IF_EXT0}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure
M104 T0 S0
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed
M84 ; Turn steppers off
preSwitchExtruderCode =
postSwitchExtruderCode =
wipeAndPrimeTowerVolume = 15
retractionMinimumTravel = 1.5
minimumExtrusionBeforeRetract = 0.005
zhop = 0
skirtLineCount = 1
skirtDistance = 1
skirtMinimumLength = 150
solidInfillTop = True
solidInfillBottom = True
infillOverlapPercent = 8
supportStructureType = 0
supportOverhang = 50
supportFillPercent = 10
supportDistanceXY = 0.7
supportDistanceZ = 0.15
supportExtruder = -1
spiralizeOuterContour = False
brimWidth = 10
raftExtraMargin = 5
raftLineSpacing = 1
raftBaseThickness = 0.3
raftBaseWidth = 0.7
raftInterfaceThickness = 0.2
raftInterfaceLineWidth = 0.2
raftAirGap = 0
raftAirGapLayer0 = 0
raftSurfaceLayer = 1
fixCombineEverythingA = True
fixCombineEverythingB = False
fixKeepOpenFaces = False
fixExtensiveStitching = False
fanFullAtHeight = 0.5
perimeterBeforeInfill = True
minimumSpeed = 10
coolHeadLift = False
numQuality = 3
name = 0.15 mm
signature = N2HRgiS9dPBHv5Sz7UBzxsR8IWLsM8yG
layerHeight = 0.15
layer0widthPercent = 100
firstLayerHeight = 0.15
name = 0.2 mm
signature = PP7I9iP7BN7snD9pEvVKLKWZRjHqKj60
layerHeight = 0.18
layer0widthPercent = 100
firstLayerHeight = 0.3
name = 0.3mm
signature = qaw4VBB5HNtT113g6dSGB4dFvldSmxjl
layerHeight = 0.3
layer0widthPercent = 100
firstLayerHeight = 0.3