Topic: Visualizations in Repetier

Is there any way in Repetier to get the objects to appear on the bottom of the cube in the gcode editor and the manual control windows?  After slicing they always show at the top of the cube and it would be easier to see with them at the bottom.


Re: Visualizations in Repetier

Can you do a screenshot?  Are they not placed on the grid?  What is your start gcode like?  If there are any moves designed to hit an endstop that aren't G28 homing moves, Repetier won't know about the endstop and render the gcode as if the full move was completed.

The whole deal with updating the firmware and different start gcode for Repetier was mostly so the gcode preview would be correct.


Re: Visualizations in Repetier


Here is a screen shot of what I'm talking about.

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Re: Visualizations in Repetier

I can't see any reason for that to be happening, other than a bug.  Maybe try an earlier version.  I still have 0.70b, and it displays properly.


Re: Visualizations in Repetier

Do you have Home is at Z Max checked?  Only X and Y should be checked.


Re: Visualizations in Repetier


Yep that was it.  I unchecked home at z max and it shows up right now.  Thanks.