Topic: Now it won't even run the Z-axis calibration test.

Tried to print a simple box grid earlier today but it peeled up at all four corners and came loose halfway through printing.

I then tried to run the z-axis calibration test and the printer utter refuses to run it.

I can send the commands to home the three axis and it will do that but when I open and run the z-axis test it will generate the commands (I can see them being generated and sent in the configuration menu) but the printer never acknowledges or acts upon them.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software (again), powered off and restarted both the computer and printer, cleared the files from
users/appdata/solidprint and still cannot get the printer to run the test.

It will however accepts and print (very, very poorly) stl files opened in Soliprint and run from that software.


Re: Now it won't even run the Z-axis calibration test.

Have you tried Soliprint 1.1.1, which just released yesterday? They claim to have fixed this. Also heat the bed/nozzle to temp before starting.

For sticking, try elmer's glue stick or hair spray. I also found better stick for ABS by printing at 230. (If using RH instead of SP, i drop back down to 220 after the first layer)

And if you have an infrared thermometer, check the bed temp to see if it's really at temp.