Topic: Replace motherboard with printrboard rev F?

So my press had a short 3 hour life after the extruder thermistor shorted and took something out on the motherboard. Its been weeks and no response from support. Even if they do respond they will probably RMA the whole unit which I will refuse to do because of all the horror stories out there. Anyone know if I can replace the motherboard with a printrboard rev F? Sounds like it is similar. I'll have to deal with the 24v hot bed and extruder element at minimum. I don't care about the button and flashing lights. What's to prevent the solidoodle firmware from loading on it? Really in a pickle with non-existent solidoodle support. If not I may just buy a reprap prusa I3 kit.

2 (edited by TruFord93 2015-02-11 18:09:24)

Re: Replace motherboard with printrboard rev F?

Well, I am working on building my own printer and from what I know you should be able to swap it with any board (iam running an arduino mega with ramps) and run it with repeteir or marlin FW (or something similar) So, itll be like your own custom built printer/open source printer. Not sure if that'd void warranty though.  But it's possible and shouldnt be too hard. Might make it better/allow for more mods and easier hacks.
