Topic: External Buttons and other hidden features

I probed the motherboard and reviewed the source code.  I found the following buttons are supported by the firmware and broken out, but not actually run to individual buttons.

Connect one of these pins to high, 5V, and the firmware should respond.

Attiny2313 Pin 6  -> AT90USB PD4 = PRINTING PIN
Attiny2313 Pin 7  -> AT90USB PD5 = HOMEXY
Attiny2313 Pin 8  -> AT90USB PD6 = PAUSE
Attiny2313 Pin 12 -> AT90USB PD7 = CANCEL 

Since the button inputs into the AT90USB chip are controlled by the Attiny chip, presumably there is a way to make that chip take control.  So far, all I've found is the following:

Send command M100, PRINTING_PIN is active, power LED fades
Send command M101, PRINTING_PIN is inactive, power LED is steady
Press power button for <1 second, toggles power LED blinking, unknown other function??
Press power button for >1 second, pauses printing
Press power button for >2 seconds, turns off printer

Lastly, I found the following pins traced on the motherboard, but disabled in the firmware.  Future use?

Attiny2313 Pin 4 -> AT90USB PC1 = U5_EN
Attiny2313 Pin 5 -> AT90USB PC0 = U13_EN


Re: External Buttons and other hidden features

Fantastic work... just need the source for the attiny now. I wonder if a double press will home or something like that.