Topic: Soliprint won't start complex job.

I'm trying to print a very complex .stl (250,000+ triangles), and Soliprint seems to be thinking hard, but even after letting it sit for 1.5 hours, the print won't start. Do you have any advice? It seems I can't link the model here, but I can specify that it's called jellyfish lampshade from Thingiverse, and I'm trying to print specifically the file for the top.

SD Press + Rostock Max v2 owner
Modeling with Rhino 3D

2 (edited by n2ri 2015-01-19 07:42:21)

Re: Soliprint won't start complex job.

what slicer? also check stl files in netfab b4 slicing always from any o nline source for errors. plus some complicated files take hours even with a fast slicer. maybe try simpler items 1st

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs


Re: Soliprint won't start complex job.

I'm using the built-in Slic3r. It looks like Netfabb is about the same as Magics which I usually use, but didn't on this occasion since it was a featured file on Thingiverse. That's a good point though. I was going to use Rhino to reduce mesh, but it really started losing detail. I've printed several other objects, even ones I designed myself with no problems. Actually I'm really impressed with the Press so far.

SD Press + Rostock Max v2 owner
Modeling with Rhino 3D