1 (edited by mangels09 2015-01-17 01:04:45)

Topic: Getting Started with the Press

My Press arrived a couple hours ago.

Overall, I was impressed with how it looked out of the box. There was a half-roll of filament loaded into the printer as well. I wasn't expecting this.

I had three major issues though:

1.) The included USB cable was the wrong type. The cable was mini-B and the connector is standard-B. Solidoodle FAIL... Luckily I had an old printer cable laying around.
2.) The y-axis limit switch couldn't be reached. This led to the motor crashing into the frame and causing horrible noises. I duct-taped an extension onto it so that it can be activated.
3.) The bed-height probe must be extended manually.  It retracts on its own. The print head crashed into the print bed several times while trying to calibrate.

Right now it is about halfway done with a calibration cube at 0.3mm resolution.

This is my first 3D printer. It wasn't flawless. It doesn't "just work" out of the box. Right now, it doesn't look like it is a solution for general consumers. But I'm enjoying it so far.

I'll post more information and thoughts here as I keep working with it.

I'll should be able to post some pictures and videos at some point.


Re: Getting Started with the Press

I'm having the same problem with the calibration probe. It doesn't extend. How did you get it to extend manually?


Re: Getting Started with the Press

There's a little black peg on the left side above the probe, sticks out horizontally left.  push that down.


Re: Getting Started with the Press

The probe extends by following the left edge of the frame. It has a track that raises/lowers the probe.

It appears that the Soliprint software isn't instructing it to do it in the correct order. Could be a simple software fix in the future.


Re: Getting Started with the Press

I'm currently working on a Raspberry Pi case from Thingiverse. The corner is starting to lift, but otherwise is printing fine. I've done nothing special to the print bed at all. I didn't even clean it before I started.

I printed a cube and an anemometer earlier (for wind speed measurement...I'm a meteorologist).

I modeled the anemometer in FreeCAD earlier this month. The STL loaded into SoliPrint with no major issues.

One thing I've noticed is that it is best to restart the printer/software between prints. Otherwise, I had issues with the extruder running into the plate.


Re: Getting Started with the Press

Remove the glass, wipe it down with acetone, then either make a couple passes with a glue stick, or hit it with extra hold hairspray (a generous mist is all you need). Let it dry for a few then heat your bed back up for printing.

Unfortunately I can't help with the hotend crashing. A couple users are discussing this on another thread and it seems it has something to do with the probe.

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!

7 (edited by mangels09 2015-01-19 18:19:59)

Re: Getting Started with the Press

I'm posting some videos of the Solidoodle Press on my Youtube channel.

Check it out =>
