Topic: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

I have both a mac and a linux machine (no windows boxes at all). Does any one have any suggestions on good software tool chains to go from design of a 3d piece to slicing and printing?

Repetier host on OSX is really ancient (v 0.5 versus 1.x on the other platforms). The linux version is ok, but its really just a windows app running under mono and it shows.

What software do people recommend?

I'm new to 3d printing but very comfortable with software development, so I'm hoping folks here can help me really get into this stuff. smile


Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

Sounds like we have similar backgrounds, so I'll make some suggestions based on my (limited, ~1.5 weeks) experience. I'm also on a mac and

First off - since you're posting in the Davinci subform, I'll assume you have one of these machines. I have a 2.0 full-extruder model. The included software on this is pretty limited, but it does work reliably. The cartridges are about 2x price of other filament, but they have the benefit of generally just working. I was able to start printing immediately with the default setup.

I've tried several 3d modeling programs (TinkerCAD, 123D Design, SketchUp, Blender, AutoQ3D). TinkerCAD and 123d Design are easy but you jump through hoops to accomplish anything complex. TinkerCad is extensible via javascript, possible that 123D is as well. Blender is capable but pretty complex, although there are plenty of resources available.

I do my modeling in OpenSCAD. It's programmatic and just makes sense to me, and can be integrated with Python for some pretty interesting projects. There were a few projects that took me days in TinkerCAD and 123D that I was able to replicate in hours with OpenSCAD. It's not particularly pretty but I find it very powerful and there's plenty of resources for learning.

Host Software
I quickly became frustrated by the limitations of the provided XYZWare. While it worked reliably, I wanted to do 2-color prints and found myself having to manually join the separate STLs by hand as there was no numeric control over placement. Also, the Mac feature set is far behind that of the windows software, and this is a warning sign for me of a company not truly invested in Mac users.
After some research, I settled on Simplify3D (simplify3d.com). It's not cheap ($140), but I've been very happy with the control it offers. With the default firmware there are limits to what it can control on the printer, but the experience is far better that XYZWare and was worth the price to me, especially as I'm trying to teach my teenagers to use the printer as well. If you upgrade the printer's firmware, you'll have control over all aspects of the printer from Simplify3d.

Replacing the firmware on the Davinci with a special build of Repetier does a few things for you:
- allows you to use 3rd-party filaments (saves money and allows use of colors and materials beyond what XYZPrinting provides, e.g.: Silver filament, PLA, HIPS, etc)
- gives direct control over all aspects of printer: extrusion speed, layer height, bed and extrusion temps, fan control, etc.
- allows use of Repetier host/Simplify3d to control printer from computer
- allows use of Octoprint or Octopi (octoprint.org) to allow printing over wifi and remote monitoring/timelapse of jobs (with raspi camera module)

Based on all the above, I decided to update the firmware on my Davinci. The process is convoluted on a Mac, depending on a resetting a jumper on the back of your printer and using a modded version of the Arduino control software. Instructions and software are here: github.com/luc-github/Repetier-Firmware-0.92.

HOWEVER - I'll add that since updating my firmware I've not been able to run a single successful print. I still have the XYZ filament and the exact same procedures that produced reasonably good prints with the stock firmware produce garbage with the Repetier firmware. It comes down to being unable to get anything to stick to the bed. I'm 2 days into this and am frankly considering going back to the stock firmware and building a cartridge resetter which will give me access to 3rd-party filaments. I like to think I'm a pretty capable guy - I've built a couple autonomous bots based on Arduinos and Raspberry Pis - but I can't wrap my head around getting a successful print and there's not a lot of info available on my specific setup.

Hope this helps

Davinci Duo, Repetier 0.92, OctoPi


Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

I just upgraded my stock da Vinci 2.0 to Repetier (luc) 0.91 RC1 and Simplify3D 2.2 last night. I have great confidence that this is the way to go and have seen impressive results with similar setups.

I had the same issues with my part (and skirt) not sticking to the bed. I did the manual leveling a few times to make sure it was perfect, then did automatic leveling (both through the machine's interface). My issue may have to do with saving the Z offset into EEPROM after the automatic leveling and my lack of understanding over that part of the process. Much to learn!

The other issue is that S3D's default setting didn't include waiting for the bed and extruders to get up to temp. That was easy to fix once I realized the issue and found the settings.

After a couple hours last night, I was able to get a very nice looking high-res print of a tiny model using da Vinci ABS. When I have some more time, I'll eventually get through all the settings and calibration and I'm sure it'll keep getting better and better.



Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

Out of curiosity, where did you find the wait for temp setting? I tried writing my own GCode and using it in the Scripts tab, but I get a lot of bounce on the temps and wind up waiting forever sometimes, starting up fine others.

Davinci Duo, Repetier 0.92, OctoPi


Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

Double-click the process and go to the Temperature tab. For the heated bed and each applicable extruder, select the checkbox "Wait for temperature controller to stabilize before beginning build."


Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

I use RepetierHost on linux with my solidoodle. One magic trick I do with linux is to use udev to automagically turn on the power and start RH when I plug in the USB cable :-).

http://home.comcast.net/~tomhorsley/har … -udev.html


Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

Thanks for all the great details!

unable to print
I am curious if you have gotten a good print to come out yet?

My issue is still getting the extruder to be high enough off the bed (I think), since when it starts printing, it appears to be moving around the glass and I don't see anything come out the extruder. If I put in a Z offset into the slicer, then when it starts printing the head moves the same, but 5mm above the glass, and a nice thin line of extrusion comes out.

I have the auto leveling enabled, but I'm thinking I should try to manually level it and try again.

I really like Trimble sketchup and have done a fair amount of CAD like work for wood projects. I installed the STL exporter script and was able to design a mini house and get it into xyzware just as a test. I don't have the funds for Simplify3D right now, plus I couldn't justify it since I can't get anything to print. hmm

openSCAD I'll have to look into, but it sounds like it would be too procedurally based for me to be very efficient at it. Will give it a look and try though.


Re: linux and OSX (mac) use with repetier modified firmware

The bed is spring-loaded, so you can experiment by gently pulling down or pushing up as it starts to print. I set S3D to print more skirts (outlines) before starting the actual part so I had time to stop it if it wasn't going to work. When I saw that nothing was coming out and it clearly had clearance, I noticed that the temps were too low and still climbing to operating temp.

Check out CraftWare: http://www.craftunique.com/craftware
It's a free beta. Like Simplify3D, it gives control over custom supports