Topic: Sticky Request:)

So I think it would be a good idea to put a sticky topic on the forum of the various repetier eeprom settings, and other variables that are floating in lots of different places.

Just seems like that would be EXTREMELY helpful for the newcomers, and us old timers to be able to have a settings reference.

Anybody else like the idea. One thing I have noticed about my xyz is that is the major issue with most of my calibration after reflashing to repetier firmware.  And honestly I think the print quality with my xyz should be just as comparable to my solidoodle 3 I had, if not better, but a lack of well researched settings prevents that. 

I am willing to donate the research and time to calibrate the various settings.. Just curious if anyone else would find that valuable.



Re: Sticky Request:)

I haven't made the jump yet but sure would find this usefull if/when I do.

Davinci 1.0 with repetier firmware & E3D V6 Lite
Anycubic Photon DLP printer, Einscan-S 3D scanner
Simplify3d, 123D Design, Meshmixer


Re: Sticky Request:)

That would be very helpful to new people like me.  Researching changing the software and firmware to repeter and a different slicer, but taking it slow so I don't break anything.

There is tons of great information and some very talented programmers in this form and their work is greatly appreciated by us new people, even though they are not thanked enough.