Topic: The Right Printer ?


A years ago, I started in the world of 3d printing,

I did not have a lot of money, and 800 euro was all I could spend

I had 2 reasons,

1) I have an idea for something and I needed a printer to do the prototype.

2 I'm a 3d hobbyist (dazstudio, cinema4d) and I thought the next step would be to have object of my picture...

So after, some extended research I bought the solidoodle 3.

I do not regret it. It jumped stared my prototype, and proved to many people around me that my idea was possible and worth investing time or money in it.

However the solidoodle  3 in it raw form wasn't enough to really help me to build the prototype.

The accuracy isn't enough, as sometime 1mm isn't 1mm depending on the axes, and I’m working with 0.1 0.2 millimeter accuracy.

The overhang and support where also problematic, they did either left trace or because of the intricate design the print where totally unusable.  even with post working (sending or acetone bath)

Because of the nature of the prototype I have very high demand for both aesthetic and fidelity.

Another problem was the constant twinkling and adjusting of the printer that was annoying. but not breaking.

I understand that through modding, the solidoodle can become extremely accurate, but I did not have the guts nor the time to break it apart, so I did only the obvious mods.

Then when i changed the type of filament  to cut the cost down all went  to hell, clogging and stuff. Now my printer is sitting idle, because i did break the thermistor while cleaning the nozzle, and it's probably lost it's calibration...

In order to advance  my prototype, I need a printer that can handle the short coming of the SD3.

Support, overhangs, is critical. and smoothness of surfaces... is the paramount of all.
The accuracy, I want that if I do a part of 105mm it is 105m not 103, or 111...

I have now about 3000 euro to invest in the printer.

I'm looking at the Form1+ , but it seem that it has the short coming of the sd3 regarding support. and it seem to require a small lab condition in order to function. (dust and handling of material) and it's print surface is rather a limitation. (12 x 12 x 16 cm)

I'm also looking at the SD workbench with its dual head, and pseudo automatic calibration...

I’m remotely from afar looking sightly to the maker-bot but it seem too expensive. and the commercial practice of the company are questionable.

I'm also looking at  a DLP printer but I did not found a printer from a company as solid and reliable as fromlab or solidooodle.

I’m also looking at printer with powder, which is probably the best tech form me, but I haven’t found any is that price range, and 3000 euro is really the max I can spend in it.

And I rather have a 1500 printer and buy a laser cutter,  as I need one too.

so do you have any advice, is the SD workbench enough? is the new calibration system that good ?

I rather stick with solidoodle. even with the short coming of my SD3, it's still is a very good printer, just not enough precise for my use.

Thanks, (and sorry for my English)


Re: The Right Printer ?

A properly modded SD3 with an E3d hot end would easily do what you're asking unless the build volume is insufficient.  You would have lots of money to buy that laser cutter.  I would expect very similar issues with the workbench as you'd have with the SD3.  It sounds to me like you need to adjust steps per mm for the x and y axis.
When it comes to support that becomes more an issue of understanding your design and implementing your own into the design.  You could also upgrade Sli3r as the newer versions have much better support.  I personally prefer designing in my own support.

Printit Industries Model 8.10 fully enclosed CoreXY, Chamber heat
3-SD3's & a Workbench all fully enclosed, RH-Slic3r Win7pro, E3D V6, Volcano & Cyclops Hot End
SSR/500W AC Heated Glass Bed, Linear bearings on SS rods. Direct Drive Y-axis, BulldogXL
Thanks to all for your contributions


Re: The Right Printer ?

Personally, I would wait on the SD WB and see how the people who review it once it finally ships.  My guess is the WB will have the same problems of the SD3. 

Here is some more food for thought.

SD2 - Glass Bed, Fans on PCB and Y motor, Custom enclosure
Slicer - Simplify3D


Re: The Right Printer ?

What about a delta Printer?

I don't realy know the pro and cons of it,

does anybody know a Powder printer in my price range ?

The problem with mods the SD3 is that I'm not a very good at it. nor confortable to do it.

And  most of the part use US standard, not EU.


Re: The Right Printer ?

A powder printer has a price that is your budget multiplied many times.  There is also a lot of post processing involved with the prints.  Maybe you can use the Solidoodle while working on the designs and making rapid changes and versions.  Then when it is close to a final version, order a high quality print from a service.

6 (edited by n2ri 2014-12-13 21:29:57)

Re: The Right Printer ?

cheapest powder printer is 'Blueprinter' in Europe. they have even more 'lab needs' than resin types. and the blueprinter is 30k euro plus another 3500 euro for cleanup cabinet and rooms with exhaust and dust free climate controlled. so for likely the next 10 years powder type printers will remain industrial tools only. even though they tote the Blueprinter as Desk top. its far from it other than its foot print will ship on a pallet.

there is a new resin type coming out next spring that has a slightly bigger build area than the one you posted but only taking up 3"x3" desk area. 'nano cube' links in other topic on portable 3D printer.

I would just do some mods on your SD3 maybe including the new compact duel extruder with the E3Dv6 hotends, Rumba board, Lawsey carriages etc. for about half the cost you could build your own WB apprentice

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs

7 (edited by sigiel 2014-12-15 13:58:42)

Re: The Right Printer ?

Thanks for the anwswers smile

I have looked at modding my sd3, but I 'm quite afraid of big change that require to take apart the axes.
and as stated in the first post US bits are not found in EU.

also, because I fear that when I put it back, it will not be as good as it was.

the thing with modding is that i'm not very confortable with it, nor realy good at it either,

the modd i did so far on my sd3:

1 casing with magnet, wood on the side and plexy on the front.

2 spoolle holder,

3 Lawsy Mk4 extruder.

4 Znut holder.

5 heatsink on  the steppers (RAM heat sink glued)

6 glass bed

as you can see only the very basic.

and I did the lawsy extruder (only after I had to uncloged the nosel, and break the original one.)


I seen test of  the orion delta printer. and i like it.

I'm looking also at the ultimaker 2 (but 2000 euro for a filament printer seeam to be quite extensive.

I thought people had already the Workbench.

Is the new calibration stuff any good ? (I have seen that calibration on a delta is a way more easier...

If I mod the SD3, can I get formlab+1  acuracy? Can you show me ?

The lazer cutter is about 600 euro. (it's the cheap china one) more that enought for my need.

I also thought about a mods to the SD3 with a lazer, but "elchipo" is not available anymore (sniff...)

look like it a very tough choice for me

Formlab 1+ because of the acuracy and definition - (the lab condition and limited software)

or possibly  the delta against a heavily modded SD3 (that I m not sure I can do) or a SD Workbench...

again thank for the help.


Re: The Right Printer ?

I have yet to see a workbench in the hands of a customer and I bet the quality is about the same as an SD3.

Printit Industries Model 8.10 fully enclosed CoreXY, Chamber heat
3-SD3's & a Workbench all fully enclosed, RH-Slic3r Win7pro, E3D V6, Volcano & Cyclops Hot End
SSR/500W AC Heated Glass Bed, Linear bearings on SS rods. Direct Drive Y-axis, BulldogXL
Thanks to all for your contributions