Topic: Using Filament Scraping Tower with custom firmware

Hello and thanks for taking your time

When replacing the firmware on the da vinci 1.0 with one such as Repetier and using Repetier Host software for slicing and management, what can be done for the printer to use the filament scraping tower at the start of a print as the printer loses the g-code line that uses the tower.  I have seen in the slic3r settings that you can add custom g-code at the start and finish of the print.

What would you put in to make it use the tower?  I'm not familiar with g-code (yet) so try to keep it in a nutshell.
Thank you smile

Da Vinci 2.0 with Repetier Firmware (Printing in ABS/PLA/Exotics)
12 Years PC Experience
16 years old


Re: Using Filament Scraping Tower with custom firmware

You would need to come up with custom code to do this. There was another thread here where I believe some body was working on the code to do this but I don't know if it was competed since it really serves no purpose. If your height is calibrated right and you use slic3r then the head scrapes what little bit might be hanging from on the edge of the bed.

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.