Topic: printing weird. please help

my prints have been under extruding if i dont use rafts. also is messing up in middle of the print. idk whats wrong with the printer but i was womdering if anyone can help

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Re: printing weird. please help

What do you mean by "Under Extruding", does it not put out enough filament for the layer or is the position of the extruder off?

If the extruder is not stepping out enough filament (pushing out), then it may be because of the temperature inside is lower than it should be.  If you are in colder climates that may be the problem, be sure not to open the door during the print as it will let heat escape and try moving the printer to a warmer area.  If you have custom firmware then jack it up 15 degrees warmer.  Another problem could be with the extruder itself, the stepper (motor) might be stripped out, and if that is the case, return it the manufacturer under warranty to have it repaired.

The problem you are having with the printer messing up in the middle of a print may be because of the extruder, but it could also be the the slicer itself in the software.  If you are able, you could downgrade the firmware of the printer and see if that makes a difference, just google it and see what comes up.

Da Vinci 2.0 with Repetier Firmware (Printing in ABS/PLA/Exotics)
12 Years PC Experience
16 years old