Topic: Stratasys Dimension sst 1200 filament system

My engineering teacher owns a Stratasys Dimension sst 1200, and I was invited into his printer lab. He invited me because the spools that the 1200 uses are in cartridges, and there were some filament lengths left on the spools he let me keep.

He would have used these lengths of filament, but the 1200 uses a property filament system, and if a print job fails the filament that should get used does not. The EEPROM chip in the spool tracks how much filament has been used. Once all the filament amount is subtracted from the cartridge, you can not use the cartage anymore, even if there is still material on the spool. Unlike the Da Vinci, hacking the 1200 is not as simple as resting the cartridge since both the printer and the cartage say that a empty spool is empty. This is why everyone is so against proprietary filament.

He has a ton of spools and empty cartridges that he did not have a use for, so he kindly gave me 3 empty cartridges, 11 empty spools, all of the left over filament on the rest of his cartridges, and a TON of silica gel packets located in the filament cartridges. The 1200 uses support material and ABS, and some of the scrap lengths of filament are the support material. It will be interesting to play around with support, and for anyone who cares the support dissolves in sodium hydroxide.


Here is all of the desiccants in my filament storage

8/11 spools
filament cartridge
support material
internals of the 1200

Ulitmaker 2, a few repraps, Custom Big FFF 3D printer with heated chamber.

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