Topic: Hello From Phoenix Arizona!

Hello everybody my name is Anthony DeVito and I just got my solidoodle in the mail last week! 

I am an engineer working for a costruction company here in Phoenix, and I recieved my bachelors degree in Construction Engineering from Western Michigan University.  I have some experience using 3D modelling programs, mostly Microstation and recently I have been switching over to google sketchup because its free.  However, I am terrible with computer software. 

Having said that, so far I have installed pronterface and Skeinforge like soliddodle recommended and have not had a successful print yet.  For some reason the y-axis shifted almost a cm in the middle of every print I tried.  But thanks to these forums I have abandoned those programs and as of last night I have been using Repetier.  It was late last night when I tried to print something, and I had the settings all screwed up, so I aborted mission and went to bed.  So needless to say I am super anxious sitting here at work to go home and tinker with my solidoodle!

I can't wait to figure this thing out and share what I have printed!


Re: Hello From Phoenix Arizona!

Before you do another print, and before you switch it on, try sliding the Y axis back and forth a few times.  Sometimes it gets a little tweaked during shipping, and that might get it back into alignment.