Topic: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

Anyone else have the problem of just getting a blue screen after completing the Panelolu mod? My Solidoodle kinda steps slightly every 15 seconds, and I can see white squares in the LCD momentarily when this happens. When the Panelolu is plugged in, I can't connect to Repetier host. Did I not change the firmware comment correctly? I rechecked my wiring, everything rings out correctly, any thoughts? Thanks

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

It's really easy I found to plug it in to the electronics board one set of pins out of alignment. You probably have checked this though.


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

if you plug in the main connector one pin out of whack, seeing as its a 24 pin connector on a 22 pin header .. you will apply 12v to the 5v rail of the LCD, instant cactus.
Something you have done is wrong .. it sounds like its drawing excessive current by the sound of it. Does it work if the kit is unplugged ?

Did you upgrade the firmware ? install the 128 ?


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

Yup- works great when the Panelolu is unplugged, firmware is updated with Lawsy's build on a 1284 chip. Maybe I uncommented the wrong section, think I did it for the ultipanel, but would this happen if I also uncommented sd card support?

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

Ok- after flipping the sdcard around, I can connect to Repetier, mount the card and print. But I am still seeing nothing but squaresville in the LCD- Brightness and contrast adjusted.

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

Hmm- could this possibly have been caused by a 180 degree flip of the headers? The wires are going to the correct location, but my sd card, for instance, was plugged in 22,21,19,18... etc instead of 14,15,16...22. I can control the speed blind (well, with nothing but the O character and running dash), which tells me at least the encoder is plugged in correctly (with arrows towards the reset button)

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

Ah HA! I failed to notice the numbering on your schematic for the lcd- the pins 1-16 are reversed, because I attached it on the underside of the panel. Works great now!

Grand Rapids, Michigan
SD2 with Sanguinololu board, glass bed mod, E3d_v5 bowden version hotend (currently direct drive), Lawsy Mk5 jigsaw replacement, octopi printserver, drv8825(tiny troubles)


Re: Panelolu just a blue screen with occasional blip of square characters

good stuff wink