Topic: Filament diameter too small

Hi folks,

Just got my filastruder and filawinder working. I have a 3mm version, vertical setup. Output hole and intake hole are exactly 24" apart.

My issue is that the filament diameter is around 2.4mm. It seems like perhaps gravity is providing too much pull on the soft filament.

How do I fix this issue? I have tried making the loop smaller, but that causes kinks/tension issues.



Re: Filament diameter too small

Covered many a time here. The nozzles are drilled a bit undersize, as it is easier for folks to make a small hole bigger than a big hole smaller. Different sizes are required for different setups (horizontal/vertical), extrusion temps, ambient temps, polymers, etc.

As covered in the manual, things that make the filament bigger:

1.) Lower extrusion temps (will also reduce diameter variation, and decrease output speed)
2.) Increased cooling (you're running the nozzle fan, right?)
3.) Increased nozzle size


Re: Filament diameter too small

Thank you! Looks like the documentation states that 10C ~ 0.1 mm, but I think I am too far off for temperature alone to compensate. (ie, to get to 3 mm I would have to drop the temp down to 120C from 180C)

I am indeed running the fan.

I am considering using a 9/64" drill bit to widen the hole. Is that advisable? What size drill bit would you suggest? Thanks!


Re: Filament diameter too small

9/64" is 3.57mm, or 0.9mm larger than what the current hole size is, so no, definitely not.

Are you sure you want 3.mm? Typically commercially purchased "3mm" filament is 2.85mm. This allows for up to +/-0.15mm variation without jamming the hotend.

What temperature/material?