Topic: PrintrBot Simple Metal vs Solidoodle Press

Hello everyone...

I was thinking about buying a Printrbot Simple Metal. It's not pricey and is small. But then I saw the Solidoodle Press. Relatively small and very cheap (for now). But as I read in the forum, it's new, not tested, not reviewed. And in terms of modding the Simple Metal is better. I don't want to spends more than $550 on a 3D printer, because I'm not from US, so I need to think about import fees and shipment price. But the Press does 8"x8"x8" vs 6"x6"x6" on the Printrbot...

Let's consider, also, that printrbot is working for some time with it's printers and have a well stablished forum, and the Press, like I said is new in every way. Another point is that I like building this kind of things, some challenges. I've never build a 3D printer, but, in my opinion, it would take out the fun of having a printer like this if it's already built. So I would prefer the Simple Metal kit over the other already assembled ones.

Remember that I don't want a 3D printer for work. I want it for fun, for creating things as they come to my head. I don't need it to have an enclosure, I don't need a total automatic system, a plug-n-play out of the box printer. I want a cheap (up to 550$) that have a good quality print, relatively easy to use, nice reputation and if needed, that can be slightly modded.

What you think? Any other alternative? Thank you very much....

Bruno Hirt


Re: PrintrBot Simple Metal vs Solidoodle Press

check Solidoodles site for periodic refurbished printers they are all under that cost when available

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs