1 (edited by Teh 2014-06-07 23:59:01)

Topic: What brand of filament to use?

I just did the cartridge-reset-hack successfully and tried to print with a white (natural?) filament i bought rather cheap of amazon. Problem is: the no-name-filament wont stick to the bed as the factoy-supllied filament does. I used the provided glue stick for the original filament and it worked fine, but this does not work with the no-name filament.

I also raised the extruder temp to 230 °C using the cardridge-hack: still no change. I will try ABS Juice next, but since some people reported that their third-party-filament printed fine, apparently without additional changes, i would like to know what brand of filament they've used.

I dont want to change the firmware of the printer or mess around with slic3r for generating the print files. I ideally just want to keep it as simple as the guys who built the printer intended it, but with lower costs and the same print quality. Has anyone achieved that yet?

I only want to use white filament, since i am planning to paint the parts, if necessary.

I am located in Berlin, Germany. Can anyone recommend a filament brand which i can easily purchase here?



Re: What brand of filament to use?


nimm das Filament von Voltivo, das funktioniert einwandfrei und in alles Farben.
Hat auch den Vorteil das es Lasergemessen ist, das heisst Du hast keine Abweichungen der Dicke während des druckens.
Wenn Du ein deutsches Forum suchst, dann schau mal hier:  3d-drucker-community.de/forum/3d-drucken/3d-drucker/omtec-3d