Topic: Y Slips with small infill areas

Recently upgraded to linear bearings and for most part it improved prints along with Z mods things are smoother, less banding etc. I tried speed increase but didn't help too much. I can adjust my belts much tighter and circles are better but my X belt is not lined up from side to side, staggered so the small kink adds some tension and I still think there is overshoot for smaller areas where speed makes it worse. I guess still need less weight on extruder and more torque to get more response.

Anyway I noticed that I had Y skips not X in 1 direction on recent prints. it went away after I lubed and checked tension on a taller part and printed several times then on a smaller Z height part but with similar small area (like .2" wide and 4" long where it has to infill, it skips forward or back and then starts. it is a skip not a bed shift from what i can tell.

So I am thinking maybe it is heat since the extruder is really buzzing and holding the extruder in almost the same position as it jogs back and fourth. I was going to crank the voltage up to get more torque? I have a sure stepper driver with heat s9ink good for 2 amps the stock moor is only at .9 I think and can go up to 1.2 max?

or do I go the opposite and use less voltage to keep heat out?

is there a way in slicer to reduce speed for small areas or change the infill to solid? Reason I say infill to solid layer is because the infill speed is much higher then the solid layer speed and it seems to do fine with solids.

SD2 owner- Surestepr, filament holder,QUBD servo and heaters, glass bed
Print for fun and for parts for my sports cars
current car is 88 IROC