Topic: Slot in outside perimeters

I'm tuning my printer every day, and I'm soon there where the results are satisfying.
When I print circles, it gets unround as many others in the Y-axis. I've tried tension the belts, moved down the stepper motor for Y-axis, turned the trimpot for Y-axis to 0.528V, and added M99 X0 Y0.05 Z0 E0 (tried 0.1-0.2 in Y also) but still unround objects.
And when I now print, I get a slot from the same level and to the top - on four of these cylinders. I can use them, but it isn't pretty tongue


Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: Slot in outside perimeters

what slicer are you using?  I bet thats where the motion stops to move the z up after each circle.  If you've got a min time/layer that will have a little ooze happen causing what you're seeing... unless its ooze in in which case it might be retracting too much.


Re: Slot in outside perimeters

I'm using Slic3r 0.9.6c. It is correct that is where thes shifting from outer to inner layer.
I tried setting a lower retraction distance, and speed, but the same result. The strange thing is that the lower part is close to perfect, but the upper/smaller part is causing these imperfections.

Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7