Topic: Thin Wall Printing

Im trying to print a case that has a couple of 2mm walls on the sides, theyre 100mm long, 40mm high.

What is the best way to approach thin walls? should I be trying to print the whole wall with just perimeters?
The infill tries to go in there but really just shakes around a lot because of the tiny steps its trying to make.

Im having problems with it curling up in the corners, layers seperating...all kinds of dramas.

Any help would be appreciated guys, thanks.


Re: Thin Wall Printing

Try a wide brim, going with more perimeters and no fill might work. If they are hollow it might mean less stress from shrinkage.  Use the case if you have one, and see if you can find a way to blow some hot air in there, without letting it blow directly on the print.