Topic: Why are the tops of my prints looking like this?

Hey guys,
     I'm completely new to 3-d printing and I have spent the last two days trying to get my printer settings just right. I have everything looking good except the tops of my parts. I've attached a pic of an example. Is there a setting that I can adjust to fix this?

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2 (edited by cmetzel 2012-11-16 21:38:44)

Re: Why are the tops of my prints looking like this?

I'll let the others reply, looks to me like a flow rate issue on the entire part but I remember someone else had this issue on the top layer a day or two ago but don't remember the response.


Re: Why are the tops of my prints looking like this?

It might be something wrong with the STL.  I have a model that was getting self intersections on flat areas, and other spots.  Skeinforge did several solid layers with the lines going the same way on each layer rather than crisscrossing, and then ended with a solid layer on top that left random gaps that looked a lot like this one.

cloud.netfabb.com might help.  Also if you download the free Netfabb basic, it will show you if there are any problem areas.  You might try saving your model as obj or something standard, and then opening it in something else that can export STLs, maybe Meshlab.


Re: Why are the tops of my prints looking like this?

Thanks for replies, Ian I switched over to Repetier by following your videos and everything seems better now. I think it was skeinforge that was making the problems.