Topic: Nice solidoodle extruder upgrade

Like everyone I got the solidoodle with the standard solidoodle head, which broke because it was so fragile (the laser cut acrylics parts are way to thin on a few of the layers)

As a replacement I had been using Lawsy's mk5 head (thingiverse - thing:111213). Don't get me wrong, lawsy's MK5 is a great head and really easy to print and saved me a ton of money, but my hot end was constantly moving. The moving hot end was causing all kinds of extrusion problems for me and I was getting really frustrated, as I didn't think I could find any solutions that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg.

In a fit of desperation I got on thingiverse and, to my surprise, found (thingiverse - thing:226154), "Modified locking system for MK5 extruder."This thing has fixed all of my issues. I no longer worry about finding my printer "corkscrewing" my filament for 2 hours when i was out of the room, and my print quality has never been higher. ( here is my make, you can see all my wasted filament in the back ground thingiverse - make:65955)

I just wanted to Post a big thank you to Lawsy and OhAime971 for developing this!!!!!!!!!!!