Topic: Skeinforge and general questions

Hi forum.

Im having some problems with my prints using ponterface and skeinforge.
When my print starts, it runs for about 5-8seconds before extruding. Note that the bed and nozzle temperature is already set to the 200/80 respectively.
How can i make it that it properly extrudes after 0.1 seconds of starting the print?
Aswell, how can i reduce the number of solid layers on the bottom? i want it to print only one or two solid layers, and the rest with the fill, to save abs and time.
If I set "solid surface thickness" to 1, it still prints 3 layers of solid plastic which i dont like.
And how can i make the prints come off the heated bed more easy? Some of my prints sit like they are welded on, and im gonna ruin my print bed and tape if this continues. Glass bed perhaps??
And where can i buy the extruder nozzles from? can you guyz please post some links for me?

Thank you very much everyone, hopefully I can contribute more to the forum as I learn more too.



Re: Skeinforge and general questions

I think the bed should be around 100 for better sticking.  Once it reaches 100, I let it sit at 100 for at least 5 minutes before printing. (so the heat gets to all the corners... )
Try cleaning with acetone after removing each part.  that alone is very helpful.

When I heat up the extruder, a bit leaks out...  then there is the "delay" you mentioned.  The quick/easy fix that I use is: 
Load the GCode,
Home the printer head to X & Y & Z to their endstops.
Extrude 5mm a few times, until the extrusion is uniform (2 - 3 times)
Then immediately start the print.

Works every time.


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

GooGaul hit the nail on the head ..

Your other option is to go with slic3r and choose the skirt option. This will draw a line around the outside of the print - it means that any missed print part goes into this skirt rather than the real print.

I find if i let my bed cool down to about 60 degrees my part comes off pretty well. I am about to try a glass bed (once i get my printer up and running again) so it will be interesting to see how that goes. There is another thread here somewhere on using a glass bed.

Sorry - cant answer the solid layers bit, i dont use skeinforge. Id probably recommend using more than 1 in any case, or you might have gaps in your print, then you waste a lot more plastic having to reprint the part.


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

pretenda wrote:

GooGaul hit the nail on the head ..

Your other option is to go with slic3r and choose the skirt option. This will draw a line around the outside of the print - it means that any missed print part goes into this skirt rather than the real print.

I find if i let my bed cool down to about 60 degrees my part comes off pretty well. I am about to try a glass bed (once i get my printer up and running again) so it will be interesting to see how that goes. There is another thread here somewhere on using a glass bed.

Sorry - cant answer the solid layers bit, i dont use skeinforge. Id probably recommend using more than 1 in any case, or you might have gaps in your print, then you waste a lot more plastic having to reprint the part.

We find that part from the side, rather than trying to "peel" it off can often loosen the part safely on a hot bed.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

I have the same delay to extrude as the original poster. Depending on the part, it can be several lineal inches before it starts to extrude. On small parts the entire first layer may not be done. This has been like this from day one.
My start g-code extrudes a 10mm blob before starting and still does not extrude when moving to the start point of the part.

What causes this delay?
Is there an equivalent to Slic3r's skirt in Skienforge?


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

KD wrote:

I have the same delay to extrude as the original poster. Depending on the part, it can be several lineal inches before it starts to extrude. On small parts the entire first layer may not be done. This has been like this from day one.
My start g-code extrudes a 10mm blob before starting and still does not extrude when moving to the start point of the part.

What causes this delay?
Is there an equivalent to Slic3r's skirt in Skienforge?

It could be physical. Do you purge the nozzle before starting a print?

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

I manually move the nozzle as close to the home position as I can while still reaching the nozzle from the right side.  I hit extrude 3 times, remove with tweezers, hit print, remove the remaining ooze with tweezers right as it's starting to move.  With this method I generally only have about 1/8" of gap or less.  I wish skeinforge had a halo or whatever it's called so I didn't have to go through it but it works well for me.


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

cmetzel wrote:

I manually move the nozzle as close to the home position as I can while still reaching the nozzle from the right side.  I hit extrude 3 times, remove with tweezers, hit print, remove the remaining ooze with tweezers right as it's starting to move.  With this method I generally only have about 1/8" of gap or less.  I wish skeinforge had a halo or whatever it's called so I didn't have to go through it but it works well for me.

Probably wouldn't be hard to script one up.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Skeinforge and general questions

In my start g-code, once temperature is reached, it extrudes 7mm worth of material blob then goes to the part start point. It is with Skienforge sliced parts that has the delay. Slic3r does the skirt and part without delay.