Topic: Sestos PID help

I've just finished the assembly and wiring of my Filastruder and I am having a bit of an issue programming the PID. I've read the manual and reviewed a couple forum posts but still no luck.

I held SET until HIAL showed up then pressed SET until reaching CtrL which I changed to 2. Then I cycled back to the original display that flashed AT for about 30 minuted before I decided to try manual setup. So I tried to set HIAL to 99 and LoAL to 96 while ignoring the rest of the settings ( other than CtrL ) for the time being. Temperature continues to rise while flashing HIAL ,96.1  and AT.

Any advice?


Re: Sestos PID help

AL is alarm. You don't need those.

You said "trying to program". What are you trying to do?


Re: Sestos PID help

Thanks for the fast response! I am trying to set up temperature controls to regulate the nozzle at about 98 C for extruding the ABS supplied with the kit. I had mistaken HIAL and LoAL to be high and low temperature constraints.


Re: Sestos PID help

Holy moly 98C is way too cold. What gave you that idea?

The instructions state:

2.)    Set PID to 180 degC. Wait 15 minutes.

So 180C for ABS, 160C for PLA (but ABS is supplied, so that's the temperature I put in the instructions.


Re: Sestos PID help

good call, thanks for your patience. I've been having some late nights due to school and work, so i'm not all there.  So I set it to the correct temp at 180C, the temp is reading 198C and slowly climbing. Is this a settings issue?


Re: Sestos PID help

Nvm realized my issue was wiring related. I had wired heater Pin 1 to power instead of to pin7 on the Sestos. Next time I better make sure I'm more rested before I start tinkering! Thanks for your time.