Topic: Makerland - European Maker Conference, 17-19th March

Makerland is three-day conference about the future of hardware and Internet of Things, with a hands on approach to teach you about the new and emerging technologies: 3D printing, robots, drones, connected devices, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, home automation and many more.

In inspiring talks, hands on workshops and full day of freestyle hacking, an international crowd of amazing speakers and workshop leaders will cover every area of Maker movement. Arduino, Indiegogo, TechCrunch or 3DHubs will help making Warsaw a center of every Maker's universe for 3 days in March.

The upfront cost of hardware hacking can become a barrier to entry and this is where Makerland comes handy. At the event you have full access to everything from 3D printers through drones and robot kits to solder stations so you can determine what gives you the most fun.

Makerland experience is tailored for everyone: from the very beginners and people who don't even know what Arduino is, to those who are hobbyist tinkerers and experienced makers. Organizers make sure to prepare a lot of fun for everyone smile