Topic: Small lip on first layer

Hey guys,
my printer finally arrived!!!!
have been dialling it in all morning, test prints are looking great!!

1 question.
My first layer has a lip on it that protrudess further than the the actual outside of the shape.
If i print a 25mm test box, the first layer will be 25.6mm across, where above that, the walls measure 25mm perfectly

How can I rectify this?
I tried easing off the z stop but it causes the first layers to curl up.

Im using 3mm glass with hairspray, 195 extruder and 90 bed.
ive levelled everything, set z height with paper and so it would stick, ive calibrated the extruder and set the right steps and reloaded the firmware.

Any help would be great, cheers


Re: Small lip on first layer

You can turn up the bed to 95 or 100 and ease the z stop to see if that helps the curling, or if you're using skeinforge still you can set the object first layer flow rate to 0.8 or so and see if that helps.  Or you can just use an x-acto like I do  smile


Re: Small lip on first layer

Maybe the brim is turned on?


Re: Small lip on first layer

no, checked that.
I remember reading one of ians posts a long time ago about how to fix it but I cannot find it any where


Re: Small lip on first layer

If you are using slic3r, it doubles the amount of filament for the first layer to provide better adhesion. It's found under advanced. I don't know if skienforge has the same feature, but I'd assume so.

That being said, that little brim is hella useful for preventing the edges from peeling up. I'd leave it unless you absolutely have to remove it. Even then, I've gone into the design software and compensated around it before I turned it off.


Re: Small lip on first layer

You can do this with Skeinforge, but I don't remember exactly how.  With Slic3r though, try to get the bed to home right on the nozzle.  This should make the first layer .3, which is the same height as everything else without being squished.  Then set the first layer extrusion width to 200% and maybe a slower speed to get it to stick.  This way Slic3r knows how wide the first layer paths will be and can lay them out properly, in theory keeping the first layer dimensions correct.

If you get a wider extrusion by squishing the first layer with the offset screw, Slic3r can't compensate for it.

Actually, you would need to home slightly above the bed.  Unless you remove backlash in Z as discussed at the Google group ( https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic … 8o1o5FG4Y) the first layer will be about .15mm shorter (and more squished) than it is supposed to be.


Re: Small lip on first layer

Thanks Ian,
Ill give that a whirl.


Re: Small lip on first layer

IanJohnson wrote:

You can do this with Skeinforge, but I don't remember exactly how.  With Slic3r though, try to get the bed to home right on the nozzle.  This should make the first layer .3, which is the same height as everything else without being squished.  Then set the first layer extrusion width to 200% and maybe a slower speed to get it to stick.  This way Slic3r knows how wide the first layer paths will be and can lay them out properly, in theory keeping the first layer dimensions correct.

If you get a wider extrusion by squishing the first layer with the offset screw, Slic3r can't compensate for it.

Actually, you would need to home slightly above the bed.  Unless you remove backlash in Z as discussed at the Google group ( https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic … 8o1o5FG4Y) the first layer will be about .15mm shorter (and more squished) than it is supposed to be.

We've taken a look in to creating an official backlash mod. Hopefully we will see it in near future Solidoodle iterations.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Small lip on first layer

Thanks support.

I calibrated my printer when it first arrived.
X and Y steps were perfect, within .02 every time.
Z was .1mm out, id hit 10mm travel and it would only travel 9.9mm.

The trouble ive had with my first layer has been more my fault, not having my z height entirely correct.
As the days go by im dialling it in more and more, Have to say the prints are much better than expected.


Re: Small lip on first layer

macmub wrote:

Thanks support.

I calibrated my printer when it first arrived.
X and Y steps were perfect, within .02 every time.
Z was .1mm out, id hit 10mm travel and it would only travel 9.9mm.

The trouble ive had with my first layer has been more my fault, not having my z height entirely correct.
As the days go by im dialling it in more and more, Have to say the prints are much better than expected.

Great to hear it.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.