1 (edited by Merko 2012-11-08 22:33:01)

Topic: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

Edit: As Ian and RSandven says.. its normal behaviour and just me being stupid! :-p


I'm having some troubles on setting up Repetier, and need all the help i can get! :-)

I did follow the guide from Ian's blog, but for some reason, it still doesnt work, and i'm pretty sure i did everything the same way he did.

The main problem is; when i hit "Home all button" in Repetier, it just goes to one corner and sits there.
It doesnt move to the center of the bed like its supposed too.


In the 'Manual Control' Tab in Repetier, it says it's position is: Y=150, X=150


And in the Printer Settings > Printer Shape, i got the following settings:

Which is as far as i know, the corret settings.

Any body got any clue whatsoever?

Ian and John have helpt me some, by double checking the settings etc on IRC, but now i'm pretty that everything is correct.
.. Starting to get frustrating! :-p

Heres a quick video of when i hit the "Home to all"-button in Repetier.

I'm hoping somebody else had the same problem and got a easy fix for it! :-) Thanks.


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

Home is up against the endstops, not the center of the bed.  It won't go to the center until it starts printing, assuming that is where the model was positioned.


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

IanJohnson wrote:

Home is up against the endstops, not the center of the bed.  It won't go to the center until it starts printing, assuming that is where the model was positioned.

Ohh right. So technically everything (so far), is correct then?

Must have been a misunderstanding on my side then.. :-)

Gonna try and heat up the bed and see if i can do a test print again.


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

My Skeinforge waited in the center, but Repetier waits in the same corner as yours.
It is standard settings, and I kind of like that, because you can take away the little extruded wires easier when it's outside the bed. When the bed-temperature reaches its set point, then the printer starts to move.

Solidoodle 2 - Repetier Host V0.82 - Slic3r 0.9.7


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

Yeah. it finally works now :-)
Been having headache since yesterday about this "issue".

One thing though; when i hit "Kill job", is it possible to make Repetier NOT to deactivate the bed \ extruder? I sometimes forget to heat it back up again.. tongue


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

It's in the printer tab of the printer settings.  I would like to see Kill Job and Finish job be separate.  If I kill it, I will probably start it back up right away after I adjust the Z screw or whatever I killed it for.  I don't want the bed or extruder getting shut off.  When it finishes the job, I will probably be away and would like it shut off.


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

Yeah, totally agree smile


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

When I kill a job, I usually need the bed to cool down so that I can remove whatever screwed-up print is sitting there.  So I'm content with the way that Repetier Host works at the moment.  It suits me more often than not.  Maybe I'm screwing up differently than you are!


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

That's why I can't use Kapton.   Most of my rips are from scraping failed prints off of a hot bed because I can't wait to get it running again.


Re: [Solved] Having problems setting up Repetier

IanJohnson wrote:

That's why I can't use Kapton.   Most of my rips are from scraping failed prints off of a hot bed because I can't wait to get it running again.

There's an art to it. Our bot-farm techs are very good at doing this without cutting.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.