Topic: Brittle PLA

Can anyone out there tell me of their experience printing PLA?  I seem to be getting very brittle filament and I am wondering what others have been experiencing.


Re: Brittle PLA

Are you completely predrying the PLA before extruding? Like -40F dewpoint air?

2n2r5 has had good experiences - here's a PLA print of his:



Re: Brittle PLA

I can confirm that drying the PLA fixes the brittleness problem.

I used food dehydrator. I place the pellets inside with a few color changing silicate packs which are already in the wet state and let it run for ~6 hrs. Once the silicate packs indicated that they are dry I transfer the pellets to a sealed 2 liter bottle for storage.  I have found that using this process produces very nice filament with similar properties to the filament from commercial producers.