26 (edited by grob 2014-11-23 22:16:32)

Re: Upgraded Aluminum & Copper print bed

n2ri wrote:

copper is a bi-metal which means its more prone to warping when heated/cooled also.

I think you're thinking of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bimetallic_strip

Had pirvan stuck a copper plate to an aluminium plate, then yes he would have a warping problem, as the thermal expansion of the two metals (hence "bimetallic") is different.

As it stands, being solid copper only, not an issue.

SD3. Mk2b + glass, heated enclosure, GT2 belts, direct drive y shaft, linear bearings, bowden-feed E3D v5 w/ 0.9° stepper
Smoothieboard via Octoprint on RPi


Re: Upgraded Aluminum & Copper print bed

its used in Batterys and thermo limits heat activated etc. sometimes in conjunction with other alloys/metals

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs


Re: Upgraded Aluminum & Copper print bed

n2ri wrote:

its used in Batterys and thermo limits heat activated etc. sometimes in conjunction with other alloys/metals

In order to be a bimetallic strip, it by definition *must* be combined with another metal.

Copper alone does not exhibit bimetallic strip behavior.

29 (edited by n2ri 2014-11-24 00:57:10)

Re: Upgraded Aluminum & Copper print bed

well it will oxidize green/black when exposed to air. just dont think its a great choice for print bed besides cost.
being soft means easy to damage, electrical conductivity makes it a good draw for other issues like Dielectric corrosion when some other metals are connected to it like steel... moisture etc also becomes more of a problem, similar issues as brass has. and likely why neither was used as 3d Printer beds. some chemicals cause it to electroplate other metals touching it just like with some new Refrigerants cause copper in tubing to transfer to steel parts inside compressors which locks them up after a few months running. so they use Aluminum tubing on new systems now. (not that that will happen on 3D printer but who knows what effect print materials heated may have). about the only undesirable issues Aluminum has is oxidation corrosion under some conditions, expanding/contracting due to temperatures, and weaker or not as flexible as some other metals.

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs


Re: Upgraded Aluminum & Copper print bed

I find these very interesting arguments against doing a copper bed.

But considering I've already done this, and I'm probably the only one to have done so, I think I'm in a position to comment on the pros and cons of doing a copper bed:

On the plus side, because it conducts heat better than any other metal (except for silver), it heats up fairly fast, and heat dispersal is more even, much more so than Aluminum. 

While it can be scratched, with a knife, it 's not nearly soft enough to bend or warp.  In fact it would be impossible for me to bend that piece without some kind of tools.   Since we're on the subject of hardness, Copper is harder than aluminum.  Not by much, but on Mohs hardness scale, Aluminum rates somewhere between 2.5 and 3, while Copper is a 3.0.

I've had it for over a year, and it has yet to tarnish.  It still looks just as pretty as the day I installed it.

On the cons side, there's the cost.  At $50 for a 8" x 8" x 1/8", it's pretty expensive.  The other problem is the weight.  Unlike the aluminum bed which weighs about 9-10 oz, this beast weighs almost 3 pounds.

And then there's the fact that while it's still installed on my SD3, it's no longer being used in the heating solution.  I'm currently using a PCB heater that sits on top of, and offset from the bed, so it's no longer a factor.

To print or, 3D print, that is the question...
SD3 printer w/too many mods,  Printrbot Simple Maker Ed.,  FormLabs Form 1+
AnyCubic Photon, Shining 3D EinScan-S & Atlas 3D scanners...
...and too much time on my hands.