26 (edited by ngajjar 2013-01-15 23:45:49)

Re: For Sale : 3D Filaments ABS & PLA / 41-50% OFF DISCOUNT /High Quality

Hi Danny

I am also considering buying 3 spools from these guys , appreciate if you can answer below queries

a) What is the duty you paid? Any idea on UK duty on imported filament.
b) You said the part made from this filament are brittle, did you use PLA or ABS?

Here is one more Chinese supplier repraper-com (replace - with . sorry this is my first post this strange forum not allowing me to put a link here) offering PLA/ABS 1.75 at same price $15-16 for a spool and shipping of $45 for 3 spools or $28 for one spool (FedEx).

ps. I am from London UK.  By the way if you are in London than there is company called cd-writers in dockland selling 1kg spool @ 27 GBP.



Re: For Sale : 3D Filaments ABS & PLA / 41-50% OFF DISCOUNT /High Quality

only just saw the question.

I can't actually recall paying any import duties at all.
Which is a bit weird, it should have attracted VAT at least as it's over £15 in value.

I'm pretty sure that I did not pay import duties because I didn't have to go to the post office to collect it.

in any case,
the price is ~£50, VAT is 20% (£10, and the post office would charge an addition £8 fee for having cleared the Tax bill for you. -i.e you own the post office, who already paid on your behalf)
total import fee should be around £18, on top of the £50 ish that the 3 spools cost.

Of course this would be the same for all suppliers, including if you bought the rolls from any out side of country supplier...

I guess I can only assume that the tax was paid in advance when the box was shipped.


Re: For Sale : 3D Filaments ABS & PLA / 41-50% OFF DISCOUNT /High Quality

This member continually registers on this forum and spams advertisements. Buyer beware.