1 (edited by Tomek 2013-08-17 03:46:17)

Topic: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Here, I had two problems.
One is that I would get "Too long extrusion prevented errors"
That turns out to be something in marlin that if your Gcode at any point says EXXX where XXX is greater than your Y_size+X_size then you would get the error, and it would shut off your hot end. Eventually, it would cause your print to fail because of too long extrusion temp. 

HOWEVER. There was no gCode command greater than the combination of my Y_max and X_max. For UNKNOWN reasons it was triggering for any distance >150mm, in a way that it did NOT a few days before.

The resolution was to reload Marlin. HOWEVER, I faced another several hours of error because by coincidence my heater wires had broken between my heater and the sanguinolu. This was because two months back when the low quality solidoodle wires broke on one leg of the system, I was a lazy butt who only changed out the broken wire. In due time, the other low quality wire broke from the fatique of the printer head moving. This, conveniently, occurred over the several prints I had 'run' [they become dry-runs after the cold extrusion prevented saftey triggers] while trying to fix the too long extrusion problem.

I tried googling this issue.  It seems to have pertained to a few people using a raspberry pi, but was a known bug related to the pi.

I couldn't find much other information.

I am running on an x86 computer, with repetier, and have never had a problem like this before. But it shuts off my heat, which pretty quickly results in errors of too low temp. But it always starts with too long extrusion prevented.

I'm going to try another print, in case it was just slic3r, but this still seems strange. There was nothing special about the print I was doing, and it was in the first layer when I was running especially slow. Roughly at the same point in the same gCode print both times I got this error, but I didn't pay too close attention to time.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?


This is more than just the "too long extrusion prevented" problem. It seems like there is major lag between my computer and the printer, but lag that is buffered on the sanguinololu.

What I mean is that I watched my printer and saw it was going from 220C to 180C temp, before sometimes catching up to to 220C, any other times maintaining 220C without problem.

I ended up killing the job, and it took a solid 30 seconds before my printer decided to give up it's trajectory and end the job (normally it's just 3-10 seconds.) 

So....Yeah. Something is up. I wish I had an idea what it could be. Nothing that I can think of has changed in the last few days.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Wasn't able to figure this out this evening. Double checked my slicer and tried another print with different settings and different source file. Same sort of problem.

=[, argh!

Any pointers* in the right direction would be really appreciated.

(*there's no footnote, I just was trying to make a programming joke.)


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

I laughed at the pointers joke.

Only time I've seen "too long extrusion prevented" is when I hit the extrude button like 20x.

Can you run some old gcode?

5 (edited by 2n2r5 2013-08-15 04:29:50)

Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Lines 217-222 in the firmware configuration.h

//if PREVENT_DANGEROUS_EXTRUDE is on, you can still disable (uncomment) very long bits of extrusion separately.

#define EXTRUDE_MINTEMP 150 //{SD Patch}
#define EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH (X_MAX_LENGTH+Y_MAX_LENGTH) //prevent extrusion of very large distances.

What were you printing? It may have sliced wrong and thrown a errant value in. Do you have your G-Code?

SD3 w/ mods:
Glass bed with QU-BD heat pad upgrade, threadless ballscrew w/ 8mm smooth rod, spectra line belt replacement, lawsy MK5 extruder, Lawsy replacement carriage, E3D hotend, Ramps 1.4 w/ reprap discount controller, DRV8825 drivers, 12v 30A PS, Acrylic case, Overkill Y-idlers, Filament alarm, Extruder fan + more.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Good call, I can review my gcode.  It's possible that both of the files I tried could have problems in their slicing.

First failed file:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/361 … ight.gcode
Second failed file:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/361 … uide.gcode

What I believe is the config file that I uploaded a few weeks ago:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/361 … guration.h

It looks like I have prevent dangerous extrusion on, but I can't tell what parameter I look for in the Gcode to discover if I have a crazy extrusion length. I can also go ahead and try the Gcode of some file I successfully printed a few days ago, to ensure that it's not recent.

If I have a better idea what would be considered a dangerous extrusion for me (not sure what in the config file defines that), I can write something tiny in python to search through my gcode for such a value. 

Thanks for the response! I felt discouraged yesterday and wasn't sure how to move forward, but now at least there are some ideas.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

elmoret wrote:

I laughed at the pointers joke.

Only time I've seen "too long extrusion prevented" is when I hit the extrude button like 20x.

Can you run some old gcode?

Yay! I didn't notice your post first pass through, but I'm glad to have amused. Tis my life goal to keep the world punny.

Good call on running the old gcode. I somehow can't connect to my computer today at work (I must have not logged into my account at home, or left my computer offline), but I'll set it up when I get home.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?


I got home and tried a print (the exact gCode) that worked two days ago, and it failed.

Woah. I will check my firmware settings, but I have no idea- there have been no major leads that changed =-/


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

If anyone reads german well, maybe they could let me know what happens on this thread: http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?247,217714,217876.

I'm seriously disappointed that I forgot how to read german in less than four years. Oh shit, as I wrote that I realized it's been four years since I took german for three years yikes:O:O. Anyway, life-crisis are not for this forum.

For some reason the german page doesn't translate well, but I'm still at a loss. Combed over every setting I could find.

I'll also try to reload marlin in case ---well, I'm desperate and don't know whats happening.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

can you double check that if you recompiled the firmware that you made sure to have #Define Solidoodle Version set as 3. If you are trying to run a print that is too big for the SD2 bed you might run into the over extrusion problem... How big are the prints you are running?

SD3 w/ mods:
Glass bed with QU-BD heat pad upgrade, threadless ballscrew w/ 8mm smooth rod, spectra line belt replacement, lawsy MK5 extruder, Lawsy replacement carriage, E3D hotend, Ramps 1.4 w/ reprap discount controller, DRV8825 drivers, 12v 30A PS, Acrylic case, Overkill Y-idlers, Filament alarm, Extruder fan + more.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Ooooh, damn. I may have made a certain mistake there. I DO have a solidoodle 2, not a solidoodle 3. But I do use a bit bigger X-axis in repetier (160mm - because my glass plate can do that) than I believe I defined in the config file, which is 159mm.  Checking my config file, I defined solidoodle = 2, and the rest as said above.

A cursory glance at my Gcode however suggests that it never commands anything as X159.xx  or X160.

So is #define EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH (X_MAX_LENGTH+Y_MAX_LENGTH)this the only way to get a "too long extrusion"?

If my repetier has my printer defined as Y_size=148mm, and X_size=160, while my marlin firmware says X_max = 159, Y_max=150, I can't imagine I'd ever have a problem. 

My prints that I'm running are somewhat large...but not beyond my build platform. Moreover, the oddest thing, that is driving me nuts, is that a print that worked a few days ago failed yesterday. Maybe I can try a small cube, because admittedly that old print was rather wide.

I'm still at work but I'll give a shot at reloading the firmware but it seems like such stab in the dark (because it is.) If anyone has suggestions for other stabs to take, I'd be very grateful.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?


I got home and started progressively increasing my manual extrude commands. I tried E10, E30, E50, E100, E150, and I believe it was on E150 that my heater turned off. I didn't get the 'too long extrusion prevented' message but I assume that's because I was in manual mode. When I went through my gcode for a piece, there in fact were several E15X commands.

This doesn't quite explain why it triggers an excessively long extrusion...My max limits are definetively 159+150 or 160+148 (I don't know which is used for that definition), but if reloading marlin helps...I'll be all set. Maybe somehow mysterious one of my limits was broken...I don't know!

13 (edited by Tomek 2013-08-17 01:04:46)

Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

I reloaded Marlin, using arduino 1.03, but now I don't have access to my hot end o.O. That is, commands to turn on my hot end don't heat anything up.

I thought the new files were suitable for arduino 1.xx?  I can try again with Arduino 0.22, but I was having trouble with the board not responding (SK500 not responding errors.)

EDIT: I realized the problem with Arduino.22 was that I was used to it saying "verifying sketch" to know when I need to restart the sanguinololu (mine seems to only connect when I reset right before connecting.)  So this time I uploaded and reset right when I saw "binary sketch size.." and succesfully uploaded via arduino 0.22. Let's see if this works.

So my hot end still doesn't work after reuploading the firmware (though i did it now with 0.22) but my bed works fine. I'll investigate hardware but nothing has changed besides that I re-uploaded ...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Urp: No hardware issues that I can see....Heater is perfectly functional, I just can't get it to run.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Dear Solidoodle Printer,

I love you. but sometimes the love hurts, and we go through these periods where I feel I can't understand you. I wish it wasn't like that.



Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Do you have a second computer you can put RH/slic3r on?

It has to be the host or the firmware. Or the USB cable, I guess.

16 (edited by Tomek 2013-08-17 03:39:03)

Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

Sure, yeah. I run my solidoodle off my old laptop with a cracked screen (quick plug for using windows remote desktop and logmein Hamachi software to easily log into your remote computer)

I'll give it a shot. Even the USB cable. To clarify though that I am moving my printer fine and the solidoodle bed. So this really feels ridiculous. Next up I'll short the heater mosfet gate to 5v and see if things heat up, and also I'll switch out my atmega chip with another one I have lying around. But really, this is odd. I thought I became good with troubleshooting but I have no bloody idea what I can do.

Edit: The mosfet is fine. It's being turned on my sanguinololu. I believe by an unrelated event my wires to the heater failed. They were the stock wires...I had to replace them a while ago but I only replaced one of the wires that was broken and now the other is. It seems like low quality wire. Replacing with some nice 19 gauge silicone wire from hobbyking. MOVEMENT FORWARD. Will report updates.

(20 minutes later)

Now back to testing if I still have the extrusion problems.

17 (edited by Tomek 2013-08-17 03:47:04)

Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

OOOOOoohhh, yeah!

I JUST EXTRUDED 156 mm of filament!

Whatever that inane error was, I think there's a chance is disappeared upon reloading marlin.  Damn me if I'm speaking too soon, I still have a few things to fix before I can run a test print.


Re: Has anyone had problems with "Too Long Extrusion prevented"?

FYI for others looking for similar. This led me to looking at absolute positioning.
This will set the extruder to absolute positioning like most g-code generators use, or use M83 to use relative positioning.
Historical data DOES help!! smile