1 (edited by elmoret 2013-08-11 22:25:03)

Topic: Filastruder Leftovers

Hey guys,

I'm moving locations, and would like to clean out some of my Filastruder supplies. These are all sold with no warranty, no idea on condition, all have been used in some form or another. - I just found them and want to give someone a chance to have them instead of chucking them in the trash.

Here goes:

Bag of 6 miscellaneous brass nozzles - some are drilled to various sizes - $10 shipped (I have 3 of these, $20 shipped for all 18)
Beta v2 version gearmotor - $10 shipped (I have 3 of these)
Beta v1 version gearmotor - $10 shipped (I have 2 of these)
Barrel/hopper/auger/shaft collar combo - $10 shipped (uses v1.1 auger)
Early melt filter prototype - two aluminum CNC'ed flanges bolted together with 1/2 female pipe threads. Includes spare flange. $10 shipped.

Take the whole box of everything for $30 shipped. Save these precious Filastruder parts from the trash, and let them collect dust in your garage instead of mine! If it isn't gone by 8/18, it goes in the trash.


Re: Filastruder Leftovers

elmoret wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm moving locations, and would like to clean out some of my Filastruder supplies. These are all sold with no warranty, no idea on condition, all have been used in some form or another. - I just found them and want to give someone a chance to have them instead of chucking them in the trash.

Here goes:

Bag of 6 miscellaneous brass nozzles - some are drilled to various sizes - $10 shipped (I have 3 of these, $20 shipped for all 18)
Beta v2 version gearmotor - $10 shipped (I have 3 of these)
Beta v1 version gearmotor - $10 shipped (I have 2 of these)
Barrel/hopper/auger/shaft collar combo - $10 shipped (uses v1.1 auger)
Early melt filter prototype - two aluminum CNC'ed flanges bolted together with 1/2 female pipe threads. Includes spare flange. $10 shipped.

Take the whole box of everything for $30 shipped. Save these precious Filastruder parts from the trash, and let them collect dust in your garage instead of mine! If it isn't gone by 8/18, it goes in the trash.

Ill  Take the whole box of everything for $30 shipped elmoret PM for payment if you havent sold it yet.


Re: Filastruder Leftovers

PM sent


Re: Filastruder Leftovers

Shipped it today.


Re: Filastruder Leftovers

Thanks Tim I received the items already =]