Topic: Updating Firmware

I'm getting some serious banding and I've read that this is fixable by adjusting the firmware. Question 1) True? Is there another way I should try first?

I've been following the instructions on the wiki, but I'm getting caught on the uploading. I get the follow error that I'm not able to find on the Arduino troubleshooting page:

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/tty.usbmodem12341": No such file or directory

I've tried playing around with the timing of when I hit the upload & reset buttons, but that's the error I keep getting. I looked on the board and main chip, and don't see anything that says "ATMega". The chip has the following name on it though: AT90USB1286

Is it possible/likely I have a nonstandard chip? I've been searching the net for tips on what to do next, but to no avail. Help me, Soliforum friends, you're my only hope!

2 (edited by adrian 2013-07-04 14:39:09)

Re: Updating Firmware

[Scratch that - you answered - you have an AT90 Chip]

You are out of luck at the moment. Solidoodle have not posted the new firmware for their 'new' re-badged Printrboard. We have been asking for a few weeks now... despite it being a licence requirement they haven't complied as yet.

You can have a go following the generic instructions at http://reprap.org/wiki/Printrboard , however, that firmware is not tweaked for a Solidoodle so if you have no firmware hacking experience you're best just setting it aside for the moment ... Otherwise stay tuned for posts about 'new' motherboard and 'new' firmware....


Re: Updating Firmware

You, Sir, are amazingly helpful! If I had a cookie, I would give it to you! This explains why Solidoodle support hasn't gotten back to me in the normal amount of time...

I'll wait patiently for the firmware to come out, and experiment with acetone vapor baths in the meantime. smile


Re: Updating Firmware

There are several posted hardware fixes for banding you could try as well if you haven't already.


Re: Updating Firmware

Yeah, I actually found one that I was getting ready to start printing, and then I noticed that my Z-axis rod doesn't seem to have all the same stuff as in the pictures.

http://solidoodle.wdfiles.com/local--files/z-axis-anti-backlash/Step1.jpg Here's what the Z-Axis Anti-Backlash pic on the wiki shows. It has a black thing that connects the two slider rods and then the screw that actually moves the platform. It also has the plastic washer with four small nuts in it. I don't have any of that! (Pic attached) I'm wondering if maybe it's because I have the heated platform so mine is all metal?

Curiouser and curiouser...


Re: Updating Firmware

You have the new aluminum build platform, that mod shows the old painted wooden platform. As far as I know that mod won't work on the aluminum without changes.

Don: Folger Tech 2020 Kossel Rev A + Borosilicate + Snow Effector
        Davinci 1.0 + Repetier : Filastruder
        SD3 + RAMPS + Lawsy Carriages + E3D + Borosilicate + ... : Cupcake


Re: Updating Firmware

Ok, good. I'm not crazy. At least not evidenced by this, anyway. I found another version of a Z-nut hugger (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:36177) and will be printing this out and sending my husband to pick up the nut (and some acetone and kapton tape) at the store tomorrow. Thanks again for all the help, guys.

P.S.- Do you guys get a ton of people asking you if you print guns? That seems to be the first question people have when I say I got a 3D printer.


Re: Updating Firmware

The guns question is sadly common these days - I tell them no, I wouldn't want one to explode in my hands, and that I don't build them from available scraps of pipe either.

I keep hoping it will encourage people to think about the question a little more deeply.

Don: Folger Tech 2020 Kossel Rev A + Borosilicate + Snow Effector
        Davinci 1.0 + Repetier : Filastruder
        SD3 + RAMPS + Lawsy Carriages + E3D + Borosilicate + ... : Cupcake